Hot Women, Cool Swords

 Luna and Hinata eventually land in one of the pavilions in the park in the city, trying their best to not be seen by people. They snap their broomstick away and await Viper's arrival.

The same bright pink truck they saw last time pulls up to the park as Viper steps out wearing a grey My Chemical Romance hoodie with black sweatpants and platform boots, she grabs something from the passenger seat as she walks towards them with a big box in her hands

Luna and Hinata are holding a rather long box together wrapped in blue and yellow wrap and a green and purple ribbon bow. They both call out to Viper waving and smiling at the exact same time. "Hey merry Christmas!"

Viper smiles widely as she finishes walking up to them, "Merry Christmas, i should mention that i don't really know either of you that well so this present might be a little lackluster" she seems a little embarrassed but is otherwise incredibly happy to see them

Luna nods, "No, that's fair, and same here. Like I'm pretty sure you'll like this, but I always get a bit antsy." Luna seems slightly stressed, but Hinata puts a hand on her shoulder to calm her a bit.

Viper extends her box towards Luna, "I'm sure your gift will be amazing"

Hinata hands theirs to Viper, "and I'm certain whatever you got us will be awesome!" she smiles brightly.

Luna and Hinata sit on the ground and begin to open the box, admiring the wrapping and looking for tags. Viper takes the box as she beams at Hinata and sits down across from them, there's a tag on it that has both of their names on it and the wrapping is bright green and grey. Luna and Hinata both smile and open the box to see what's inside. Inside the box are two sheathes, one of them is a katana that has cherry blossom flowers and pretty generic Japanese decorations and one of them is a longsword with amethyst crystals and lavender flowers. Both of their eyes light up and glow even more intensely than usual with wide smiles. "Oh my god oh my gods oh my gods this is amazing!" Hinata says excitedly

Viper seems very happy that the two of them like her gifts, "I'm glad you two like your gifts" Viper continues beaming as she opens her box. She finds a pomegranate red colored sheath containing a metal broadsword tinted red like her lipstick. The hilt is a silvery metal and has a ruby garnet in it. It seems rather sharp, she definitely could deal some damage with it. Viper's eyes light up as she says with excitement, "Holy shit this is the nicest sword I think I've ever seen, thank you so so so much!"

"You're so welcome! This sword is incredible too!" Luna says with a bright smile on her face, "thank you!"

Viper looks up from the sword at the two with a bright smile, "It's no problem! Two beautiful swords for two beautiful women!"

Luna and Hinata's bright smiles make way for rosy blushes and stuttering for both of them.

"N-not as pretty as you Viper.." Hinata is losing it.

"Uhhhhh.. y-yeah that!" Luna is a bright shade of red. 

Viper snickers quietly as she continues beaming, "Well thank you, i figured your faces might be a little cold"

"N-no definitely not.. nopeeeee!! Oh gods.." Hinata's face WAS cold ironically, but now she's steaming and warmed up significantly.

"Uh--hm.. erm.. wanna sp-sparr agian??" Luna asks while gently swinging the new longsword, "g-gods this thing is cool.."

"Not as cool as she is though!" Hinata seems to recover.

Viper snickers as her face turns a little red, "Well thank you, but I think you could turn lava back into rock with how cool you are" then she turns to Luna, "I wouldn't mind sparring again"

"Would you want to swap to our training weapons? I don't want to accidentally hurt you." Luna smiles as her hands glow purple. Hinata smiles and watches.

Viper nods as she stands up, "I'd hate to see you in pain" she starts walking back to her truck to get her duffle bag

Luna mutters, "Crystal Construct - Form of a Practice Broadsword!" as a purple crystal broadsword forms in her hands with a silver hilt. With a couple gloves on her hands, Luna does a couple test swings.

Krystal - Note I have no idea why she muttered that. Maybe it was to look cool. 

Viper climbs on her truck tire then grabs her duffle bag and jogs over, "Let me just get this fucking hoodie off so I don't overheat" She sets her duffle bag down giving Luna and Hinata ample time to look away

Luna and Hinata turn around to give Viper a little privacy. "Take your time!" Hinata calls out

Viper takes her hoodie off fairly quickly as she tosses it on the ground, "I would hate for you two to melt into a puddle" Viper goes into her duffle bag and grabs her dull sword.

"Noted!" Luna takes her jacket off and reveals the black tank top underneath it. It shows a bit more of the muscle on her arms. She may be a scrawny short cat girl cyborg, but there's definitely some strength in those arms, reasonable considering the blades she usually uses and how often she uses them.

Viper has a grey button up shirt with short sleeves showing off her somewhat muscly arms and she grins at Luna's arms, "Nice muscles, they're pretty fitting for someone as adorable as you."

Luna takes a moment to take a deep breath and focus herself on the battle and not on her opponent's words. That being said, she smiles and acknowledges Viper's words with a nod. "Okay, remember what we worked on last time. Watch your footing, anticipate your opponents," Luna immediately dashes towards Viper and goes for a horizontal slice towards her midsection, "And think fast!"

Viper quickly steps back with a strong and confident block to her slice and attempts to push Luna back by shoving her blade into Luna's roughly. A clash of metal on crystal rings out as Luna is successfully blocked. "Good! That's what I was hoping for!"

Viper grits her teeth as she smiles and slides her blade off of Luna's and aims a slice at Luna's thigh. Luna quickly steps away to dodge the thigh slice, but it still grazes her. Luna is thankful these are just practice weapons. "Daaaaaaaaaaang, you're a fast learner Viper!"  Luna then goes for another confident slice at Viper's lower legs. If this were a real combat situation, she would be trying to limit mobility.

Viper smiles as she attempts to beat at Luna's blade, attempting to deflect the slice. The slice is deflected successfully as she backs up and looks for another route forward. "Oh my gods, you've gotten a LOT better since last time!" Luna cheers.

Viper stands in a defensive stance, "Well you told me to be more confident, but I certainly don't feel like I'm the best"

Luna is in an offensive stance, "and the confidence is working well. You just gotta go for stronger strikes. Break your opponent!" and under her breath she mutters, "pls don't break me though.."

Viper snickers, "I won't break you, don't you worry your little head about that" she lunges forward with a stab at Luna's stomach. Luna goes for a confident beat on Viper's blade intending to knock it out of her hands.

"Definitely not." Hinata watches from the sidelines, though slightly worried about the stomach stab.

Viper's blade slips out of her grip as it falls to the ground as she looks surprised, "Shit."

With the opening enabled, Luna goes for a strong, though controlled, swing towards Viper's side. 

Viper takes a sharp inhale, expecting to get cut

The blade freezes before making contact. It barely grazes her side, showing Luna's intense control on her weapon. "Look, I don't want to hurt you either. The blade may be completely blunt, but it's still heavy rock. That would hurt like hell." Luna giggles and puts her blade down.

Viper sighs in relief, "Well thanks for that" She slides her sword with her foot to be next to her, "I can't tell you how many times I've been whacked with something during sparring."

"Same here, plus I've been killed by a sword before. Not exactly what I'd consider a pleasant experience," Luna shudders.

Hinata puts a hand on Luna's shoulders to show support. "We've had some rough times lately. But I was watching over your match and I'm super proud of you for taking our lessons to heart. You did great! Genuinely!"

Viper seems to frown at Luna saying that she's been killed by a sword then beams at Hinata, "Why wouldn't I take your lessons seriously? I'd love to be as good as you two at some point, even if it takes forever."

Hinata blushes, it's not the same stuttery blush that she usually gets, but instead a prideful one, "Thank you. I also want to get as good as Luna. She's always been my rock in terms of combat and someone I want to be able to beat."

Luna nods and giggles. "You wish Hinata. Besides, we work better together not against one another."

Viper beams at the two of them, "God you two are so perfect for each other"

In response, they seem to beam back towards Viper, and at the same time, they both say, "and you're perfect for us too. Wait, did we just..." and then they both blush heavily on realization. It's no longer one of pride but instead one of embarrassment. If they had holes in the top of their heads, steam would be visible easily.

Viper smiles brightly, "God you two are adorable. If that's a real offer, I'd be glad to take it!"

Luna and Hinata nod at the same time. "Deal!"

Viper beams at the two of them as her cheeks turn pink as she mutters, "I'm the happiest woman in the world right now"

"I am too!" Luna smiles brightly.

"Same! Holy crap, that was stressful, oh my gods." Hinata chuckles.

They both get closer to Viper as they both open their arms for hugs. Viper eagerly embraces both of them in one hug as she giggles, squeezing them tightly but not 'I can't breathe' tight.

Luna and Hinata are happier than they have been in a loooong time, it almost feels like all of the stress they've felt over the past few months have melted away in this one moment. Luna smiles and giggles, "thank you Viper, you're genuinely one of the best friends a cat like me could wish for." Hinata nods and leans into the embrace.

Viper giggles, "And you're one of the best cats I could have ever asked for!"

Luna melts on hearing that. It's nostalgic for a time long gone by. Not since dating Krystal has she felt this level of attraction. Being with her two favorite women in the world has caused her usually stiff shoulders to finally be let down. And for once, the stress of fighting for and against multiple worlds is gone. Completely gone.

"And I'm your proud dog Viper!" Hinata giggles. Luna then says with a slight yawn, "But uh we should probably head back to the house. But we'll definitely meet up again soon, it's almost the new year!"

Viper lets them go out of her tight hug as she beams at them, "Probably. I hope you two have some good rest."

Luna and Hinata nod, "hope you do too! Have the best night possible! Byeeeeeeeee!!" With a blown kiss from both of them, they disappear waving as they return to the Gang's house.

Viper lightly blushes as she gathers her things and drives off. And out of nowhere while driving home, Viper seems to have found Luna's Mind and decided to join.

[Inside Luna's Mind - The Hangout Spot]

Krystal - Holy shit. That's my Lunes and Hinata!!

ALAIS - We're still wanted right?

Luna - Yeah no duh?? Y'all are my best friends.

Hinata - No matter what happens, you two came first! Elara too!

Violet - Hm?

ALAIS - Allow me to just say that Luna and Hinata's rizz have grown three times in this day. They have successfully, as Hinata has stated, "secured the bag." I still do not know what it is meant by "Rizz" but I am happy for them. If I had a mouth I would be smiling.

Krystal - Oh come on Allie, I told you. it's Charisma! They're good at making friends, and sometimes, those friends become closer. A lot closer. 

In essence, and forgive me for playing into the RPG tropes: VIPER of Cole Genesone Industries has JOINED THE PARTY!

Elara - You're such a nerd but that's why I like ya Krys!

Violet - Ooo! Nice!

>VIPER STRYKER has joined the Chat.

Viper - figured I join this server, been questioning it for a while but now's a better time then ever

Krystal - Hellooooooooooo! Welcome to Luna's Mind!

ALAIS - Hello. Viper.

Viper - hello, you two

Krystal - Hey there we're her AI. My name's Krystal, it's nice to finally meet you!

ALAIS - And I am Alais, I basically archive events for her. It is a pleasure.

Viper - It's a pleasure to meet you both, I'm sure both of you will be wonders to talk to when I'm not breaking the law.

Krystal - Not breaking the law?

ALAIS - You can. Speak to us. At anytime. It does not require. Breaking laws. Luna's Mind. Is for everyone.

Viper - I may or may not be texting every single time I stop at a red light or stop sign, I'm almost home so I won't have to do this for long

Krystal - Ah. Best you wait until you get home first. Lest you crash.

ALAIS - We are not. Going anywhere.

Viper - That is true. I'll crash into bed when I get home so I'll probably end up talking to you two tomorrow

ALAIS - Understood. Have a good night.

Krystal - Pleasant dreams Viper!

Viper - -Same to you two

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