Internal Message Log - Violet and Luna

December 2, 2022:

Note: Violet has given us permission to publish our logs publicly.

Violet: “Hey Luna! Was in the forest near the house taking a walk and that was nice seeing come similar scenery. How are you doing?”

Luna: "I had a really bad dream last night, kinda freaked me out."

V: “You ok? Want to talk about it? Or not is fine!”

L: "I've been better, and sure. I guess I could. It was really familiar to me despite not remembering anything. I was in some room somewhere and two distorted figures picked me up and took me out of the building. But the sounds were overwhelmingly loud and then everything became red."

V: “Hmm that’s weird. Why do you think everything went red? Or who the people were?”

L: "I don't know. The two definitely felt familiar, like long lost family. And all I know is there was a lot of sound in the area, familiar sounds. Like laughing."

V: “Maybe it was Toby and Jane? You were taken out of a building so maybe that was then saving you?”

L: "But then why would they be distorted? Granted, I've not seen Jane's face in a while for obvious reasons, but Toby I saw a couple nights ago. I don't get it."

V: “Hmmm I don’t know… and the laughing does not make sense to me. Question: Does she who shall not be named have any control over you?”

L: "She who shall not be named? Who?"

{- Lunes, take a chill pill. Lemme take over. -}

Luna goes to relax in the comfort of her subconscious while Krystal takes over.

{- So Violet. Lunes' biology when it comes to hypnosis is weird. 99.99% of the time, we have no idea who or what can control her. The .01% is me. -}

“Got ya. Because if was thinking if it is Jane and Toby then I would think she who shall not be named might be… erasing memories? It’s just a theory so take it with a grain of salt.”

{- I have no idea who you are referring to. -}

“Sorry I forgot. Let me rephrase that: He who must not be named or Luna might have a panic attack.”

{- Whom? And Luna's safe in the comfort in her subconscious. There's snacks. :p -}
 “I mean Jan.”

{- Ah. Jan. (derogatory). -}
“XD yes. I just worry. I wish I could help unlock Luna’s memory if any at all or at least discover what Solaire has up their sleeve so we can destroy them on the inside.”
{- Unfortunately, Lunes' long-term memory is currently fragmented to the point where it's mostly unusable. We document literally everything we learn for a reason, just in case something important comes up. Recently, Lunes has able to expand her memory to last about a week, but none of us, not even Toby knows how. It makes no sense, almost like something unlocked in her. -}

“Hmm was there any event that happened around the time that her memory upgraded?”

{- Nothing major. She tried weed for the first time, but I have doubts that getting high and watching anime unlocked something. -}

“Fair fair… hmmm I wonder what I could have been. Anything minor? Anything at all?”

{- Neither myself, nor Lunes, nor Toby have any idea on what changed. Perhaps it was a mistake internally. I will say she experienced a nasty headache that led to the unlock. -}

“Maybe someone unlock it on purpose? Someone on the inside maybe? But who knows. Anything I should know about Solaire or Luna or you before I go deep diving into all of this that I all ready don’t know? I am gonna help you all if I can.”

{- I appreciate it Violet. And as for Solaire, just be forewarned that data on the LUNA project is sparse. Most of it is locked away within the highest echelons of Solaire Enterprises. And just be careful out there. I am unaware of what Solaire has planned, but knowing they have access to our veil, I would keep on your toes. I must go. Lunes wants to swap back in. Good bye Violet. -}

“Bye Krystal!”

Luna swaps back in after taking a short break.

"Hey, I'm back. Anyway, I gotta get some work. Hopefully she gave you enough info to work with."
“Welcome back. She did. You gonna be ok?”


“Alright! Well if you ever need anything I’m a text away. I’m gonna see what Toby is up to. Hope you have a good rest of your day!”
"You too!"

After learning Toby experienced a similar dream to Luna's, he requests testimony from Krystal as well.

V: "Hey Luna? I was wondering if I could speak with Krystal, if not can you ask her if she had any weird dreams of late?"

"Hmm. Is Krystal even able to have dreams?"

{- Actually yes Lunes. Remember, I live on within you. I do not understand how it works, but it seems to let me have dreams. They're just rare. And to answer Violet's question, I actually did. -}

{- It was maybe two nights ago? I was breaking into Solaire's research building but the building itself was distorted. And then everything turned red. I remember hearing sounds, kind of like whispers? And knowing Solaire, it was instructions. What instructions, I have no idea. -}

"Wait what? You didn't tell me about this?"

{- But you had that dream too right? I read as much in your previous discussion with Violet. -}


{- Is there a reason why you asked? -}

V: "I ask because you won't believe it but Toby had a similar dream as well. He was running into a building similar to Solaire's research lab and he went into rescue Luna from captivity. He heard various loud noises, and from his time she said researching the LUNA project, He said he knew Luna was being affected. He saw one of Jan's mechs walk into view and then he said everything became red."

{- ... -}

"Wait what the fuck??? How the hell did Toby have a similar dream???"

V: "I don't know. All the dreams seems to show being around the time you were being rescued from Solaire's."

"I don't get it. That happened ten years ago.  We've gotten past Solaire's bullshit by this point right? They're not me and I'm not them!"

{- Lunie. You're not them. And they're not you. You are correct. But it seems Solaire may not have been so easily forgiving. I promise you, we're going to keep you safe. -}

V: "But... so it's just a coincidence?"

{- Maybe. I'm not sure what to expect anymore. -}

V: "We will keep you safe. Don't worry."

"Thank you."

{- Yes, appreciated. Maybe we should go see Toby tomorrow? -}

V: "I have plans on seeing him tomorrow already so seeing you guys and meeting up would be lovely."

{- That sounds perfect. -}

"Agreed. Anyway, I need to get some rest. Hope you have a pleasant night Violet."

V: "Same to you both."

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