Pink Moon Memories

Hinata and Luna enter their newly shared bedroom and just hang out together. The planetarium ceiling has various constellations up top as well as cloud cover for the moonlit sky. It's a full moon tonight for them, and one they can both properly enjoy without the effects of being a LUNA coming into play.

In fact, this moon is extremely special to them. It's the Pink Moon.

It's reminiscent of the night they were bound together for eternity, the night of the Blood Moon Raid on Solaire's Capital. The night the two of them survived. And the night their future endeavors were changed. Some may say it's for the worst. Mental locks and hypnosis training, as well as punishing physical, mental, and psychological training to become emotionless assassins. But if you asked Hinata and Luna, they wouldn't have asked for anything else. Because they got to spend time together instead of alone. They were an unstoppable duo, but they were together and having fun, even if said fun was at the World's expense.

As they sit on the ground and stare into the artificial Pink Moon together, they get the feeling of being watched over. But that can't be right? Dimensional rooms like the massive arcade Luna calls her bedroom are designed so that no life is allowed to exist. But even so, it doesn't feel wrong. Nor does it feel sinister in the slightest. The Full Moon watches over them. They feel at peace. A calm serenity washes over them as they kiss. It feels right. The Moon... is right?

But no, that can't be. The Moon Isn't Right... right?

Tonight, for once, the moon is alright.

They get up and look each other in the eye as they share a dance underneath the bright moonlight. The two women share a calm night together in each other's embrace.


As the song ends, they retreat back to their respective beds and continue to look into the moon.

"At least we're together again," Luna says with tears in her eyes.

"You're right. It's... nostalgic. Incredibly so. We survived the odds in that explosion, and our fates were forever sealed. It's... amazing how a trip into the forest during that fight saved our asses."

Luna begins to tear up on trying to remember anything about the Blood Moon Raid, but aside from seeing her precious family get destroyed in a flash of brilliant light, nothing comes to mind. Just that... Hinata and her were damned for all time. But at least they were damned together. Designed to be villains, but instead choosing to shove their destinies where the sun don't shine, and choosing to lead a life of fighting for good.

Hinata notices Luna feeling some pain and embraces her. Rubbing her back and whispering sweet nothings in her ear. Luna cries a bit in pain as if forcing herself to remember, but it doesn't work. It just causes a headache. Eventually, they both retire to their beds and enjoy a peaceful night's rest together.

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