Regular Maintenance

 For the past over a decade, I have been hounded by Solaire Enterprises since they've been wanting to bring me back home for 'maintenance' even though all of my issues are with memory... gee I wonder why. 


In any case, to my shock, Solaire finally grew out of the 90s and got onto Twitter. It's rather bare bones, but what can ya do? It's a company from my Veil that's run by boomers. Anyway, after speaking to us in their usual stiff manner, the whole ALL CAPS thing to look like they're important, they told us this:


It was odd. I've genuinely never heard them say please, so we gave them an ear.  


Jan, one of my creators and one of the very few memories I have from those times. Project H? I'm not entirely sure what that is... Krys?

I have no idea. While you were gone recently, I tried to find some information on Project H, but there was nothing. I'm sorry Lunes.
You tried. I appreciate you Krystal. Anyway, Solaire sent me some coordinates to my chip, and as it was in Meridian somehow, our Meridian, not the Meridian on our home veil, we felt it was a trap, but since Solaire has been reading my notes on everything, again THANKS FOR THAT, ASSHOLES, GIVE ME MY FUCKING LONG TERM MEMORY BACK! *ahem* sorry, we still went to the location. Krystal has a full log of what we found, just look below:
Of course Lunes. We've been developing a way to show our 'solo' adventures in Meridian here, and I believe this will be a good workaround. Apologies if it's messy or strange, we may have taken a page from Porcelain's book for this.
In a seemingly random portion of Meridian, Krystal appears looking for the location where Toby wants to meet. After a couple minutes of searching, she finds a bright yellow tent on one of the sidewalks and sighs.

"Toby, what did we tell you about making things so obvious???" Krystal says, easily recognizing the person.
Ughhhh sorry, hang on, I need to introduce who we met out there. Meet Toby, one of the scientists at Solaire Enterprises, and as much as I can remember, which isn't much, he was one of my best friends back then. And please, disregard the fact that it looks like a Picrew, most scientists are bound from posting their own images online. So, I just made this in his image.
Anyway, back to the scene!

"But it's Yellow! It's not exactly easy to find tents this color in the middle of a fucking apocalypse!" Toby says. He seems to be new here.

"You didn't try the Walmart???" Krystal says shocked.
"The.. Walmart? Why would I try a big box store in an apocalypse?"
"Just trust me next time. I promise you, you'll see something amazing there." Krystal grins, as if baiting Toby to check it out. "Oh yeah, what did you need Lunes for again?"

Toby takes a moment or two to remember but then a light bulb seems to flicker on in his head. "Oh yeah! Please come inside. I wanna take a look into Luna's mind."

"Um, okay." Krystal walks into the tent.

When Krystal enters the tent, the room itself is oddly larger than what the tent outside showed. Basically, think like a TARDIS but it's still clearly a tent...of holding.... Living? Whatever. Anyway, as she walks around, she sees a decently sized laboratory with a comfy looking bed and various machines and tools set up around it.

"So, whatcha think Krystal?"

"Not gonna lie, I thought we were gonna walk into a trap, but it seems on the up and up." As Krystal continues to look around, she notes quite a few books and binders as well, some showing off Solaire's logo. And in the corner? A random assortment of western comics and a couple manga. "So uhhhhh--" She points to the comics.

"Hahaha don't worry about it. It's just something I enjoy in my spare time.. anyway, let's get this done before Solaire finds out I'm gone."

Krystal nods and swaps back to Luna. She tells Luna exactly what's happening and when she notices Toby's usual grin in front of her, she calms down quite a bit.

"Ah yeah, it's been ages since I've seen you my old friend."
She gets up on the bed and prepares for maintenance. "Please, go right ahead. I trust you."

Toby nods and swings around a computer which seems to be a portable X-Ray machine. He scans Luna first to see if there are any physical discrepancies, but as she's currently still in MG form, he doesn't notice anything odd.

Then he swaps the physical scanner for an odd-looking electronic wand with a screen attached to it and uses it to scan Luna's magical properties and tries to see if there are any discrepancies there as well. It seems to be correct and in good working order.

Lastly, he pulls out one more device and scan's Luna's head. On the screen over near Luna, a picture of her can be seen with the following text on it.

"Wait Krystal Grey?" Luna asks.
"Well yeah. You chose Grey over Solaire, thus Krystal gains your last name too. She's a part of you after all." Toby explains.

"Huh. I wasn't aware of that. Interesting. Is that all Toby?"

"Yup, nice and easy. Nice to see you again Miss Luna Grey."

Luna nods. "So what's your plan? I'm guessing Solaire probably wants you dead now right?"

"Pffft nah, they're aware that I would perform your maintenance procedure. They just didn't know that I would come to you instead of having you come to them. Not to mention, all of your research has been helping our home world immensely. Besides, I've never been to another World before, maybe I'll stay out here and explore a bit." Toby says.

Luna chuckles and gives Toby a big hug. "Alright Toby, well don't be a stranger. And if you ever want to come by to where I've been staying, just let me know. You can contact me anytime using my internal messaging functions."

"Okay, take it easy out there Luna, and be safe! Good luck in that gauntlet too!"

Luna steps out of the tent and disappears. 

Also, if you have any ideas on how to make the Adventure Logs flow better, please do not hesitate and let either Krystal or myself know via Twitter @ArchiverOfVeils. In any case, I got my maintenance complete, nothing actually happened though, and I'm still unable to remember much more than a day's worth of data.

At least we're still here and fighting Lunes.

I guess. Anyway, this has gone for a bit. This is has been Luna AND KRYSTAL! Over and out.

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