This Month in Apocalypse

Hello everyone, Luna here

Aaaaaand Krystal!
It's been a... while hasn't it?
Last post was April 17th... Lunes, come on.
Shit. Welp, uhhhh how do I explain, things have been very hectic very wickheck you mean? Shut.  Uuhhh basically, just like the last post I'm just gonna gush about things that happened and hopefully next time I got personal things to talk about?
Lemme see here, the Gods are back and very... God-like.. um, we spent the last few weeks trying to collect the vessels to bring about the supposed "Worlds destroyer" and it turns out it was all Caitriona Cyprus this entire time? She's really nice, but I can see why Byleth wants to be the "favorite" dad here. She's a fuckin scary powerhouse capable of destroying planets, gods, and even fellow Marked at will.. But even so I'm sure we'll be able to handle it. Just gotta be friendly and treat her as another part of the Marked.
Speaking of Byleth, bastard took my friend and made her kill Buck and put Nabu into a coma, all because she felt powerless. Chris and I got killed by her too, but even so I wanted to try and be kind, to err on the side of forgiveness, even if barely anyone else believed in me. Honestly, I felt stupid doing that, but it was better than allowing Byleth another weapon. I hope Jane isn't judging me for that. She's the one I learned forgiveness from.  Look, I've been through your memories Lunie, I'm sure she'd be proud of you for standing up for Maiden. I know I am. Thanks Krys, I love ya girl. Love ya too Lunes.
Alright what else happened? Oh yeah there was that one time I got targeted for an entire day. So it was like a marathon of being attacked, and getting killed, then reviving in The Moon's mansion because apparently The Slenderman has a Slendermansion? I'm fully confused and honestly it wasn't that bad. Got to show off my rage mode a bit too, which was fun. It basically gives my entire body a powerup while taking away my stamina. Gods I feel like I'm rambling. I'm so sorry.

You're fiiiiine Lunes, we haven't had one of these in a month! Even so, I don't want to waste our readers' time ya know? Anyway, the other big thing was that I finally have my own room. Basically it's in a dimensional portal and we're able to make the rooms however we wish. So mine's a giant Japanese import arcade with rhythm games, a planetarium ceiling, and a big comfy bed with plushies galore. It's my happy place.  Maybe so, but I've quite enjoyed kicking your ass in Pop'n Music. Fair fair, it's really cool either way.
Anyway, I better tag out, I've been writing this in the middle of the forest and my phone's battery is about to r

Shit. Sorry about that everyone. We better head home before [the kiss] think we died again. This has been Luna and Krystal signing out!


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