Unknown Adventure Log - Elara

Elara returns to her room after an exhausting day of work. She enters the western spire of the Church of the Full Moon and flops onto her bed face first from exhaustion. Then, she grabs her journal and writes a little bit.

Daily Journal - November 3, 2023

Fuck today was tiresome. First I could barely get any sleep. Look, I have no idea what the fuck mom's doing with the church, but I don't like that it keeps me awake. They're so fucking loud, gods damn. I mean okay you run a church, that's fine, BUT WHY ARE YOU DOING LOUD ASS SERVICES AT 5AM??? And I don't get it, my bedroom is far away from the main chapel, how the hell am I hearing it so clearly??

Anyway, 8am comes around and I go to work. I left my plushie harem on the bed like always. Work was... fine. My headaches continue to affect me though, so I mean that sucked. Around lunch, I notice a strange text message on my phone, something along the line of "I know who you are" but there was no sender. Just completely anon? Did I piss off that dude last night? I whooped his ass hard but he shouldn't know who I am??

And then I come home and all of my plushies are no longer on my bed. They're on the floor, all of them facing the door. Mr Fluffykins is in front. It felt... I swear I put them on my bed, what the hell? Ugh I hate this feeling. Fucking... whatever. I don't know. It feels like a nightmare. But I'm clearly awake so what the fuck.

On closing her journal, she notices Mr Fluffykins, her rabbit plushie, has now t--


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