Funeral for the Fallen Soul

 Adventure Log - November 24, 2023

Near the outskirts of Capital City lies a large cemetery surrounded on all sides by various trees. It is one of the very last things one will see before entering the massive forest that is The Outskirts. It is a very peaceful location with lots and lots of walking trails and headstones of those who've died.  Many of the headstones are from around the same timeframe, a remnant of the war that had taken places many years ago. Capital Cemetery is one of the most silent locations in the City.

Due to the Capital City being in autumn, the usually verdant area now a light grey and blue with dead trees and what appear to be snow clouds in the skies. Walking through the cemetery carrying a rather plain looking urn is Rebecca Wright. She takes a path towards an area with an open gravesite and a headstone already placed. This grave is directly located next to another grave site, one Luna and Hinata are standing by at. In Toby's will, it was specified that he was buried next to his old love, Jane Krystal Solaire. Luna and Hinata are at the site. Luna is completely silent, tears rolling down her cheek and Hinata is behind her with her hands massaging her shoulders. A tense feeling from her muscles ache while she remembers Krystal and does a couple prayers for her. Sure Krystal's soul continues to live on within Luna's mind, but the memories and the sheer pain of what happened and how she was forced to end her life, still sting even a decade later. 

Rebecca goes to speak and opens up the urn of her father's ashes, "I knew you two would come. Thank you," She places the now opened urn of her father's ashes into the grave. "Uh mind if I say some words?" she asks the two of them. Luna and Hinata both nod solemnly.

"My father Toby Wright was a good man. He merely wanted to see the world become better ever since the war. He loved all of us equally, especially you two." Luna turns her head to the side, still feeling betrayed by him. Hinata doesn't react, still massaging her shoulders. Rebecca notes the tension in the air and continues, her tone becoming more firm if only to distract herself from her own sadness, "And as far as I'm concerned, he continues to live on. His legacy, his... love for our World will live on within me. To whoever has brought him down, be it from our world or any others that may have hurt him, I will make them pay." Rebecca clenches her fist. "Rest in peace, dad."

Hinata sighs, "rest in peace, my friend." Luna is completely silent and deep within her own thoughts.

Rebecca finishes the job by covering up the grave with dirt. Usually a groundskeeper would do this, but this burial was not official. Closer to an under the table agreement. "Thank you for coming, Luna, Hinata. You two mean the World to me," Rebecca goes in for a hug and both Luna and Hinata hug her back, tightly. Tears are exchanged between all three. Even Luna ultimately misses him.

They all begin to walk away from the cemetery together when they all hear a screech of something from The Outskirts. It's a screech of some creature, but the exact location of this creature is unknown. Just somewhere in the forest. It doesn't seem to be in pain judging by the sound, but rather it's just a natural call. Still, Luna and Hinata's ears flatten in response to the loud sound. "What was that?" Luna asks Hinata, who shrugs. "I have no idea about what lives out there. Heard a lot of various theories about magical creatures that exist out there, but I haven't done any research," Hinata responds. 

"So! Ramen zone?" Rebecca asks the two, trying to cheer herself up, "My treat." They both respond, "Sure!", at the same time. Then they walk back over to Central District. Eventually after their meals together, they return to their homes. 

Rebecca, not feeling everything is completely all said and done, returns to her late father's house to continue investigating. The Flesh Lump Murders continue to rage on, as more and more victims are found. The police don't seem to be any closer to solving the crime or the mystery. Just that... whoever is doing this is also removing their souls, which requires a high level magical ability. It is unknown who would have this ability, however.

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