Luna arrives at Solaire Enterprises. The building seems to have held up rather nicely even despite the chaos the World has brought to it and Meridian. She enters the door and reaches the lobby. Inside it, fake plants and comfortable looking couches line the room. A desk with a seemingly bored yet beautiful woman named Rebecca sits near an elevator. In front of the desk is a blue square that appears to be glowing slightly. The rest of the room is rather drab and boring. It smells sterile, as if walking into a dentist's office. And classical music is piped in.

Luna walks up to Rebecca. Her mood is rather sour, but that's to be expected right? She is doing this against her will.

"Hello. I am here for my appointment with LEADER Sol."

"Of course. Of course. Right on time. Are you sure you want to do this Luna?” she asks with a concern on her face.

"No. No I do not. But I may as well get this over with.”

Rebecca stares at Luna for a moment before nodding. "As you wish. I am certain Sol will be happy to see you." She presses a button on her console. Luna disappears.

Almost instantly, Luna is found in a new building. It does not seem like the Church of the Full Moon, nor does it appear to be Solaire Enterprises. Or at least, not the Solaire she is used to. It is day time where she is. Large windows peer out of the building and to her shock, the skies are blue here. Clearly, Luna is no longer in Meridian. The hallway she is in stretches for a few hundred feet. As she walks, various paintings of suns line the hallway. If one were to look at them as a slideshow, they would see an animated sunrise go all the way to a sunset.

At the end of the hallway, two large wooden doors at least ten feet tall each are directly in front of her. Large metal knockers accompany each door, of which the Solaire Enterprises logo is etched. She knocks on the door. It opens to Sol's office without any issues. It's a fancy circular room with a window to the outside. The floor is marble and has a rather large sun in the middle of it, and the furniture is plush and modern. Near the window is Sol's oak desk. A rather large armchair is behind it, which currently has LEADER Sol sitting in it. The lighting within the space is rather dim but candles light up the space.

"Welcome to Solaire Enterprises. You are right on time. Please... take a seat.” Sol points to a much smaller chair in front of his desk. It doesn't seem to be much of anything, but it looks comfortable. Luna takes a seat as instructed.

"Jan, what do you want? You've already taken back Hinata from me. I just... what did you call on me for?" It is clear that Luna is restless. Definitely uncomfortable despite the comfortable seating and design of this room. Absolutely nothing can distract her from Sol.

"I wanted to catch up. Talk. You may deny it, but you are truly our greatest work."

Luna cannot help but let a small growl out. Her ears flick at Sol. If she wanted to, this could be it. This could be the moment that Sol's reign of terror ends. But... she holds back. "Fine. But keep that shit to yourself please."

"So how are things?" Sol has a very relaxed demeanor. His hands are folded on the desk and a steaming cup of coffee is directly next to him.

Luna glares at him and takes a couple deep breaths. Then, she speaks. "I'm barely surviving the day to day. Being forced to remember as much as I have has been causing me great pain. Am I... only designed to be an archive of information I don't wish to be? Or is there a bigger purpose to my design?"

Sol nods. "Archival is only part of your design 6969. You were designed to be the prototype for a new line of sentient animal-themed androids. You... you were one of our two successes, the other being 4444. Please... please understand that I do not wish to harm you." He takes a deep breath.

"Understand that I only wish for the best for you and Hinata. You may not be technically a product of Solaire Enterprises, as you have since learned from ADMIN Chandra and ADMIN Krystal, but I still want to treat you as one." Sol then stares directly into Luna's eyes and whispers something into her ears. Due to her extremely strong hearing she can hear this perfectly well while it not being picked up by any other device.

Tears drip from Luna's eyes. "I... I understand Sol. Thank you. Anyway." Luna quickly wipes her eyes with her hoodie sleeve. "So what exactly can I help you with Jan? May I... may I call you Jan?" Sol nods. "And what does this have to do with Hinata. I just want her home with me."

He takes a moment to gather his notes. "As you know, you are a product of the Full Moon Syndicate. The Full Moon Syndicate can be thought of as our rivals, or to be more specific, a splinter of our former self. Solaire used to be one single entity. But something... I don't know what happened. And the next thing I knew, The Full Moon, as they were previously called, became our rival. They stole our technology. They stole ideas that I had that I could only dream of. And you... You Luna Selene Nightshade... right, my apologies, Luna Grey, are a byproduct of my design.

I do not understand how they got this idea. I do not trust The Full Moon. Alas, I am a LEADER, but I do not remember accepting such an offer. It is a betrayal of all that I know and love about this field. I simply wanted to make the world a better place. Make the universe and whatever other worlds that exist a better place. But I cannot do this alone. For some reason The Full Moon Syndicate has their claws on me. I never am able to remember why or when these events happen." He coughs, realizing just perhaps he went on a tangent.

After a few moments, Jan continues. "Right, so this is what happened. I brought in Hinata to work on something with me. Something that might be able to counteract whatever FMS has planned. She is NOT an ADMIN at all. She is closer to my spy, one who works with Tsukiyomi and Chandra on projects. I wanted... to pass this opportunity to you as well Luna. You say you want to learn more. That you want to fight back against those who would dare hurt anyone. The entire multiverse is at stake. I personally cannot trust FMS. Would you please,” he gets up from his seat and walks directly next to Luna. He then kneels on the floor and stares Luna in the eyes. "Would you please... help me? Help... the multiverse from ruin? Obtain information on the Full Moon Syndicate and learn what they are planning."

Luna goes silent. Silent for minutes on end. It is almost as though she is unsure of herself, or perhaps waiting for something. "Jan? I will only accept if I am able to be with Hinata."

"Did you truly think I would separate you two? Eclipse Blade was designed for situations as these. Hinata and Luna. The Sun and the Moon. The Cat and the Dog. Opposites that attract. Two people who are stronger as a whole. My intention for all of this was for Eclipse Blade to do this together. And don't think I'm unaware of your mind. As far as I am concerned, you are not alone in this. It may be dangerous. You may very well uncover secrets that will shake the foundation of our World. But... you won't be alone in this. Do you accept?”

It is at this moment that a person sneaks up behind Luna and puts her arms around her. "Yoooooooooo Luna!" Hinata grins and kisses Luna on the forehead "See, I told you I wouldn't be gone forever!"

Luna blushes a bit. "... yeah.. Uhm. I accept your proposal, but only as long as the Solaire Enterprises keeps their hands off my friends."

Sol nods. "Great. You two shall begin your investigation soon. I will send you a message through ITEM when we are prepared to infiltrate. Solaire is counting on you. Do you have any other questions for me?” He has a bright smile on his face, one that’s almost nostalgic for Luna. A rarity from her past, but one she dearly misses.

"No. I think I just wanna head back home." Hinata nods in agreement.

"Right, of course. Just go back down the hall and step on the teleporter. Take care and best of luck Eclipse Blade." Sol waves them off. They eventually return home together. As ECLIPSE BLADE once more.

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