Lunar Truths

 Memory Lock #9 - The Blood Moon Raid

So. This memory log is a bit different. Instead of one concrete memory, for some reason, it contains a variety of topics pertaining to things in Luna’s past. Some of it is incredibly dark, so I must forewarn that this contains descriptions of violence, dehumanization, non-consensual experimentation, gaslighting, and hypnosis. If any of these topics bother you, we heavily recommend turning away and asking Luna, Hinata, or myself (ALAIS) for a summary.

Section 1; The Blood Moon Raid on the Lunar Capital

The LUNA PROJECT was waiting in the lab deep within the confines of the Cathedral of the Full Moon, knowing that someday, it would be needed. LUNAR ADMIN CHANDRA knew the HEROES, a band of protestors, fighters, and magic users, were on their way to fight back against their rule of the land. The Full Moon readied traps for them to encounter while preparing for the inevitable clash. Its troops, an army of genetically modified and created beings who appear to be cat-like humans were ready. The LUNA PROJECT’s true mission was simple: to protect the LUNAR ADMIN from harm so that they can continue to rule, unopposed.

Time passes. Nothing. No sign of the HEROES. THE LUNA PROJECT continues to wait in anticipation. It is not like they could do anything else, of course. They had no mind of their own. Only the will of the ADMIN. The LUNAs waited.

After some more time passes, CHANDRA gets an alert. The HEROES have breached the final stronghold. Bells rung. The sea of calm android eyes glow RED almost instantly.
The massive army of close to a thousand specially trained android soldiers walk out grinning and growling dangerously. The HEROES are outmatched, but they make the first move.

The two sides fight. Blood is spilled, whether it’s HERO or LUNA. The ADMIN watches with a grin and a laugh, enjoying watching their soldiers fight without their hands getting dirty. Two LUNAs in particular, 6969 and 4444 cause exceptional amounts of damage.

And then 4444 sees a deer and calls her friend, 6969, who would accept her name to be Luna, to come investigate. This is their first time being outside ever, so they may as well take this time to explore. 4444 who would soon be named Hinata chats with Luna as they walk away from the battlefield.

“Hey Onee-chan, this place is beautiful. So pink! So… pretty! And OH MY GOSH, A SUNFLOWER!” Hinata says while clinging to Luna’s side. “Heh, I can’t believe this has been out here all this time. And it’s just right outside our door. I hope we can enjoy it.” Luna replies. They feel their auras dissipate and their breathings calm. The deer was nowhere to be seen, and they continued their walk.

After some time passed, they paused and looked into each other's eyes while holding hands “Luna? How about we escape together? To THE MANY HELLS BELOW with Solaire and the Moon! I don’t want to hurt anyone anymore! Toby showed me some of his comic books and I wanna become a HERO!” Luna chuckles, “I’ll always go wherever you go, Hinata. I…” she pauses, tearing up a little bit and stuttering, “I love you.” Hinata glomps, or tackle hugs, Luna to the ground and they sink into the many cherry blossom petals beneath their feet. “And I love you too Lulu. Now let’s get back before Sol punishes us again.” Luna nods and they return to the battlefield, their eyes still normal.

As soon as they get back, a so-called HERO, an elemental spellcaster, launches a massive fireball at the horde of seemingly indestructible LUNAs. The fireball wipes out most of them in a single shot, as well as many of the scientists keeping the LUNAs under control at the expense of the caster’s life. Luna is the only one to survive. Hinata… tragically died in Luna’s arms. About 15 minutes later, Luna hears a voice, a voice she has never heard before. It’s robotic and cold.
⁴⁴⁴⁴, ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴇɪɢʜᴛ ʟɪᴠᴇꜱ ʀᴇᴍᴀɪɴɪɴɢ. She opens her eyes, her body still covered in scars and burns from the explosion. Luna had been grieving, but seeing her love’s eyes open causes her to embrace and cry, something she was never allowed to present to anyone else per Sol’s command. They manage to get up, and the two are the last LUNAs standing.

The two are not thanked. They may have single-handedly survived the encounter, but they are still merely mindless weapons. 6969 and 4444 are separated from one another until they are required once more.

The two get activated a few more times in the following months, performing murders on behalf of the ADMIN. They are quickly known and feared across the land as Project ECLIPSE BLADE. Their ninja-like stealth and evasion, as well as creative killing methods, become a favorite tool for Chandra.

Section 2: The Origins of Mental Locks

Sol, the LEADER of Solaire Enterprises and Chandra, co-LEADER of The Full Moon bring in Hinata and Luna to talk about the Raid. Sol is a rather husky male with a crazy beard and an eyepatch, and Chandra is a pretty alt woman with long black hair and piercings and tattoos galore. They both sit in the office. It's a classy looking circular room with a window to the outside. The floor is marble and has a rather large sun in the middle of it, and the furniture is plush and modern. Near the window is Sol's oak desk. Two rather large armchairs are behind it, which seems to be where they sit. The lighting within the space is rather dim but candles light up the space. A full moon can be seen in the windows at any point of time.

Pictured above is Lunar Co-Leader Chandra. 

And this one is Solar LEADER Sol.

As was previously mentioned, all LUNAR and SOLAR employees are unable to have images of themselves. So I designed picrews to resemble their forms according to the Memory. Please note the red eyes in Sol's. For some yet unknown reason, Chandra doesn't have that.

Sol: So we are here to discuss your performance in the Blood Moon Raid.
Chandra: Or rather, your disappearance.
4444: But we d-
6969: …
4444: …
S: You left the battleground despite your commands. I have absolutely no idea how. CHANDRA??
C: Yes Leader Sol?
S: Find our why their RAGE MODE malfunctioned!

A loud booming noise comes from Sol as they both pass out.

S: So how do we punish these two for their insolence?
C: I have an idea. Crescent was telling me about a certain experiment he'd like to run on those two. Just requires them to be separated first to lower their defenses.
S: Interesting. I assume you can handle this?
C: Correct Sol. Leave it to Crescent and I. This will be our greatest experiment to date!
S: But what of 4444?
C: Bah. It's useless. An afterthought. Keep it here. The real weapon is 6969!
S: …if you say so Chandra.

Plans to separate Project ECLIPSE BLADE into its much weaker parts are set into motion. Chandra and Crescent work together with Sol to stage a breakout. One that will be implanted into 6969's mind forever.

While planning, Chandra seems to be at odds with themselves. A side of her feels incredibly guilty for separation. The other half does not care and wants to push forward with the plans.

On the fateful day, Luna is picked up from the lab as sirens and bells blare, just as planned. 6969 and 4444 are separated as information is fed to the former. Lies about a grand escape. Details that never happened. When Luna comes to, she's at her new home in Capital City.

Hinata, on the other hand, remains in stasis. Unable to wake up. A deep slumber until she is needed again. But no matter what, the memories of her beloved onee-chan, her best friend, and her lover stays with her. She has many many dreams of Luna, of sharing a house. Of watching the moon. Nothing could prepare her for the event that would take place nearly 15 years later when her dreams become reality.

Section 3: ITEM conversation between Krystal and Luna.

K: It's just as Violet theorized. My name is Jane Chandra Solaire. Krystal is just my nickname for the type of magic I use.
L: …
K: But, I want to explain why everything happened. I understand if you won't accept my apology.
L: …go on.
K: It's got to do with being a LEADER. We're all modified to have our base side and our LEADER side activated by hypnosis. It's part of why most of us are so hellbent in world domination. Even Sol is just Jän. And I am Jane.
L: Wait, my creator is Sol?
K: No. It's complicated. Hinata's creator is Sol. Yours is LEADER Tsukiyomi
L: Tsukiyo--- that name is familiar, but I don't remember.
K: Anyway, we're off topic. The reason I come to you is to tell you about the 10th lock. You've unlocked all your mental locks Lunie. The final lock… is your collar. To unlock it, you need to defeat my rage form in a reasoning battle, much like yesterday. If you can outwit her, the collar will come off. It's fully connected to her psyche.
L: Wait, but why?
K: Because this whole collar idea was hers. If you, or someone else, can defeat her. Answer her questions. Find contradictions. It will damage her psyche enough to make the collar unlock itself.
L: But wouldn't that delete your soul?
K: Not exactly. If anything, it will delete the Chandra part of me. I will still be around.
L: …
K: Luna?
L: …I love you Jane. And thank you. We'll beat Chandra at her own game.
K: I love you too Luna. Truly my best friend of all time. I loved spending this decade with you, and I look forward to spending even more time too. Just… trust me. I would rather die a horrible painful death than harm you.

[End Conversation]


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