A Lunar Cult???

A sizable crowd of people all wearing white robes are all standing in front of a stage near Solaire's headquarters. They appear to be waiting for someone to present something. It's like a rock concert, except there is no music and no mosh pit, though a few are being trampled all the same. Whoever they're waiting for, it must be important, Violet walks up, looking around as she see the white robed people. She summons herself a green cloak to hide herself, or at lest her face, as she makes her way into the crowd.

The crowd is honestly rather silent. Seems they may be praying.

Violet is concerned about who they might be praying to and why, but she starts making her way to the front near the stage, so when whoever they are waiting on shows, she can have a clear view. The prayers sound like they're in a completely different language and it's impossible to understand what they're saying. That said, Violet recognizes parts of it sounding like Hinata's trigger phrase. As the group prayer finishes, a person in a black robe walks onto the stage. It's similar to the one the person in Solaire wore, but instead of a crescent moon, or another moon phase, this one is the full moon.

Violet watches intently on the figure on stage to make sure she can get every detail, and as well watching everyone's moves to make sure her standing out in the crowd does not get her killed.

The black robed figure walks across the stage. As they pause in the center and turn towards the crowd, it erupts into loud cheering and applause. This goes on for a few moments before they eventually quiet down and the robed figure speaks.

"Dearest members of our Church, we welcome you to our family! The time for the dawn as passed! Soon, we welcome you all to the GREATEST NIGHT OF OUR LIVES!"

The crowd goes fucking wild. Violet is noting everything down... a church...? What's gonna happen...

Once more, the robed figure speaks, "soon, our plans will fall into motion. Plans 35 years in the making! Be prepared, dearest family. For soon, we will enter a new night! The moon will rise!"

The crowd erupts into chanting.


It goes on for a while. Violet writes down Chandra and connects the dots with Chandra in some way as she listens more.

The crowd quiets down once more. The robed figure seems to be scanning the crowd. When it doesn't find what it's looking for, they continue. "Until then, please continue to work towards our goals." The robed figure walks off of the stage as the crowd begins to disperse.

Violet walks up to one of the crowd members "So what a presentation! Am I right?" They have a white cloak with the Solaire logo on their left side. Same white mask as before. "Oh absolutely! Our leader is powerful as it is merciful! Soon, the endless night will arrive, and Solaire will fall!!!" They sound... weird. Like completely enraptured by its words.

"Do we know who the leader is? Like their name?"

The person shakes their head. It is at this moment that someone else in the crowd notices Violet in a green cloak. "Hello, who are you? Nice uh... are you new here?"  They sound normal.

Violet turns to them to looks at them and examine them "Hello, yes I am new. Name's Violet."

They're wearing the exact same white Solaire logo cloak, but without a mask. They have some cuts on their face and look like they've seen some shit. "Welcome to the church Violet. Though, I'm curious. Is that cloak standard issue?"

"I'm unsure. I made due with what I have when I lost my original cloak. Say, I'm having a hard time remembering. What's the church called again?"

The person looks at her in confusion, but they narrow their eyes. "The Church of the Full Moon."

Violet nods "Thanks!" Violet quickly flies away back to the forest.

"...what the fuck." Another cloaked being walks up behind the one cursing the green cloaked person's ploy. They say, "you got scammed."

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