HINATA4U at home.

February 15, 2023

So. I had an interesting experience earlier this week. Somehow, one of the HINATA4U plushies appeared at our front door. It didn't seem to be suspect at all, just a really cute shiba bean plushie. Hinata has some really good taste by the way.

Only issue is that it made us feel like we were being watched somehow. And the vibes within the room were off. Margaret, one of our newest housemates, enjoyed her time with the toy regardless. She pet it and it made soft wuffs. It was adorable, well until the assumed speech module within it started to whine a bit, as if it were tired of being pet.

Later, while no one was looking, the plush managed to get away from Margaret and moved 5 feet towards where I was sleeping. Cole noticed it and seemingly sensed something wrong with the toy. In its collar, a human soul was found. As soon as it was removed, the feeling of being watched was gone. I was hoping he would try to revive the soul or maybe go through its memories, but instead, he just ate the soul. Apparently it tasted like the concept of blue. I have no idea what that means, but I trust Cole well enough to judge flavor. Cole theorized that it was probably there to spy on us or even attack.

The plush returned to normal afterwards and was given back to Margaret. Unfortunately, it does not seem to make sounds anymore. Sad.

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