Hinata - CEO of Solaire Enterprises

 Adventure Log - January 8, 2023

Violet lands in Downtown Meridian, looking around for what she expect is the tent she is familiar with. Shockingly, the tent is no longer found. In its place is a large stone castle still showcasing Solaire's gaudy logo. There are two doors with big door knockers on each. Violet looks in awe as she walks up to the big and intimidating doors, walking up and knocking on one of them.

The doors open rather easily. It appears the knockers are just there for show.

Looking inside, it's just as dark as the tent was.

Violet heads inside, guard up.

The inside of Solaire has changed drastically. No longer is it the comfy looking lounge with multiple doors to various rooms, but instead a boring-looking white room with a receptionist. On the walls, various wall-scrolls and Solaire posters can be found.

Violet looks to the posters and scrolls, making her way to the receptionist. "Hello?" she says.

The receptionist looks up. She's rather pretty with cherry red lipstick, thin rimmed glasses, and blonde hair, as well as being decently busty.  She looks like Ritsuko from AI: The Somnium Files, except way more modestly dressed.

"Oh hello, how can I help you?" Between each word, Violet can hear her snap gum. She looks kind of bored.

"Well I'm here to meet with Hinata I believe? She said I come and look around." Violet explains.

On hearing Violet is Hinata's guest, her demeanor changes. Instead of looking dreadfully bored, she sits up right and smiles."Ah, I see. And what is your name?" No more snapping gum too. Seems she swallowed it.

"Violet Naomi, and what might be yours?"

The receptionist presses a white button on her desk and says, "Lady Hinata, there is a Violet Naomi here to see you."

Hinata replies with, "ah thank you Rebecca, I will be down momentarily."

The receptionist sighs and returns to her previous bored but casual look. "My name's Rebecca. It's nice to meetcha."

"Well pleasure to meet you Rebecca!" Violet looks around trying to think of small talk while waiting for Hinata. "So have you been working here a while?"

Rebecca nods. "Been workin' for Solaire for a few years yeah. Not gonna lie, when I was told I would moving to da Meridian branch, I thought I was goin to da actual Prime Meridian in Greenwich, England, not somewhere with red skies and zombie things."

Violet laughs a bit, "No this is the farthest you'll get from... Greenwich, England? Just expect a lot of weird and learn to accept it and you'll be fine."

At this moment, Rebecca looks up at Violet and squints a little bit. "Uhm...",  she pauses, "so you're a deer... with wings. You know what I'm not even gonna question it. My apologies. Do you have any questions before I make things awkward?"

"Your fine. To keep it short and simple I'm a demon with modification from another company... Is there anything I should expect meeting with Hinata?"

"Not really. Honestly I feel bad for her," Rebecca sighs.

"Why do you say that?"

"Simply put, she wasn't even meant to have this job. This was meant to be for some--"

At this point, the elevator dings and a fair-skinned woman wearing a bright red and black kimono, with blonde hair, and yellow heart sunglasses perched on top of her head walks out of it. She is walking very gracefully up to Violet with a soft smile on her face. "Ah, you must be Violet Naomi. It is a pleasure to meet you in person. Please, come with me."

Apologies, but I'd like to pause and show you what Hinata looks like. Just like Toby from before, Solaire employees are not allowed to have photos of themselves on their phone. Thus, I've created a picrew of what she looks like. Honestly, she's really pretty..

Either that, or I'm just amazing at using Picrew. Hmm.. Anyway, back to the logs!


“And you must be Hinata. Pleasure is all mine!” Violet follows her.

The elevator closes. Hinata presses a button and they go up. Hinata is silent during the trip up. It's awkward. The elevator bell dings once more as they enter directly into Hinata's office. Hinata's office is a rather large room with various seats scattered around a huge desk. There is definitely an Asian-inspired solar theme to the room. On the various shelves, there are vases with red and yellow flowers and some figurines. It looks really comfortable. A book shelf can be seen behind the desk, behind Hinata's chair.

"Please, look around if you wish Miss Violet." Hinata says before heading into the washroom.

“Why thank you.” Violet looks around to the figurines, giving them a glance before making her way to the book shelf, looking at what she might have to read.

The figurines appear to be all female, anime and game characters to be exact. There's a Rei Ayanami on one shelf, a 2B from Nier Automata on another, and a few others from some more obscure shows and games as well.  As Violet walks towards the bookshelf, Hinata walks back in and tries to stop her. "Apologies, but that needs to stay private. I rarely have people up here, so I keep forgetting to put some things away."

“I see. I apologize, I just was interested in the books you have is all.” Violet steps away, looking around at what she can, trying to possibly get a glance at the titles of the books and writings

The bookshelf appears to be ordinary. Violet can see one very strange outlier to the textbooks, "Magic: An Understanding." The rest seem to be science or math related books. One is "Running a Business for Dummies" as well.

Violet takes note looking around the room. “So Hinata, how is being CEO treating you?”

Hinata takes a deep breath, "It's going well enough. I'm not used to the job yet, but I'm sure it'll get easier as time passes."  She has a very soft demeanor about her. Friendly too. "You might be wondering why I asked you to come by."

“I am, of all people why me did you decide to invite over? And I can assume it’s not just for small talk.”

Hinata smiles. Her previously stiff and awkward vibes relax quite a bit. "There are a few things I wanted to ask you in person. I read in my logs that you've had some experience with the plushies we're making now. Just wanted to know your thoughts on them."

“Oh. Well… to be honest there a bit… creepy. They seem that they need… help? The said they needed saving. I just don’t know what they meant by that.”

Hinata raises an eyebrow, "that shouldn't be happening. Are you sure you're not just hearing things?"

“What do mean should not be happening?” Violet looks at Hinata confused. “What are they?”

Hinata takes a deep breath. "They're just toys. We mass produce them and sell them to children. Are you certain you heard what you heard?" There's a serious tone to her voice.

“You have a very obvious tell, you should work on that.” Violet sounds serious as she looks Hinata. “So why are you lying to me?”

"I'm genuinely not. This is a surprise to me too. I know our scientists were working on something to make the toys a bit more lifelike, but even I'm not sure as to what it is." Hinata looks sorrowful. "Even so, I appreciate you telling me about the Hinata4U's."

“If you say so… then tell me. Who was supposed to be the CEO? I know it was not supposed to be you.”

"For one, you're correct. I was not supposed to be the CEO. It was in Jan's will that his daughter was to take over the company in case he passed on or his mental state degraded far enough. Do you think I want to be here? I just... wanted to be normal." Hinata sighs. "And two, I am unsure who the true successor is. It was redacted in the will."

“I see… well if you need anything I am here to help. I’ll can try and make things as normal it can be. At least anything I can do.”

"Thank you Violet. Did you have any other questions about Solaire? I can try to answer anything you'd like." Hinata is fully relaxed.

"Is Toby alright? What exactly happened to him?"

"Toby had to return home to finish some work. I'm sure he'll be back at some point. In fact, he was the one who suggested I bring you here. He thought you were trustworthy."

"Really? Well thank him for me. Anything you have left to ask me?"

"I will. And me? Nah, I got nothing else. Anything else for me?"

"Not at the moment but we can keep a pin in that." Violet nods.

"Alright, well I must prepare for another appointment, so may I show you out?"

"That would be lovely. Thank you."

Violet and Hinata ride down the elevator. A white-cloaked man walks into Solaire's Castle. He speaks to Rebecca who goes to press the intercom when Hinata and Violet arrive on the ground floor.

Hinata says to the man, "oh. hello. You must be my next appointment."  She is back to her usual stiff demeanor, fully removed from any comfort she felt with Violet.

The man does not respond and waves dismissively.

"Apologies Violet, but I must go now. Have a good day." Hinata says.

"You have a good day as well." Violet walks out the castle doors, trying to get a good look at the man on her way out. The man is rather tall and fit, maybe 6ft 3in (191cm)? The cloak is closer to a robe on closer examination. On the back of it is what looks to be various moon symbols. The two of them walk into the elevator and it closes with a ding.

Violet leaves shortly after.

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