Violet's Trip to Solaire

Adventure Log - December 5, 2022

Violet lands in the city as she looks to her map, looking a bit confused on where to go as she looks around and then back to the map. As Violet looks on the map, she sees nothing directing her to Solaire's satellite campus. Perhaps she should walk around some more?

While Violet walks around the city, she sees a small yellow camping tent on one of the sidewalks. It looks rather unassuming.

“Well this does not look sketchy at all.” Violet walks up to the tent as she peaks inside, unsure if she might be intruding anyone.

It's hard to see much inside. She does see a logo on the tent, however. SG with a sun.

Violet walks inside the tent, “Hello?”

As Violet walks inside, she sees a massive building interior housing various rooms, computers all over the place, and shelves of various books all ranging from research to even comic books. It looks well lived in and furnished. A scent of something wafts in from the kitchen.

A certain purple catgirl is sitting on the couch and typing on her laptop. "Violet? Oh hey!" Luna waves to them.

Violet waves back as she is impressed by the amount of books and computers “Hey Luna! How are you doing?”

"I'm alright. Just waiting for Toby to be done with whatever he's doing." she smiles. "Should be out shortly. Please look around as you wish."

“I believe he is working on, ‘designing a device that allows others to tap into telepathic channels’.” Violet does physical air quotes as she looks around at the books and computers.

"Yeah, I asked him to do that. Krystal wants to chat with others." she chuckles.

Over on one of the shelves there are books about various topics. Some of the titles are in english, while others are in different languages, and some even appear encrypted. They seem to be personal iinterests, such as electronics and certain other sciences. The computers have a lot of flashing letters and numbers. Like imagine the Matrix with how the numbers and symbols and raining down, it's basically that. On another shelf, there are comic books. They’re western-style comic books, ones of super heroes mostly. Violet looks towards the books, looking for anything that might pique her interest. If nothing does, she looks around for anything that stands out to her.

One of the textbooks has the name Solaire Dream Research. Another one is called Magic: An Understanding of Abilities.

Violet picks up the Dream Research book. As she reads, she learns about dreams Luna has been having and the author tries to explain why they're happening. It doesn't seem to be very fruitful.

An excerpt from the book reads, “As Luna Grey is the remaining LUNA in existence, it is difficult to say why she is having these dreams. Is it a warning for the future, or just a means of torture? Or perhaps is it trying to tell her something?”

And then it just goes into extremely technical information.

Violet takes note as she then picks up the Magic book as she gives it a read.

Magic: An Understanding of Abilities seems to be a primer from Solaire's home veil about how abilities work, but in a simple to understand way:

“All those capable of performing magic are locked into two abilities of their choice. These skills can range from speed and exceptional intelligence, all the way to elemental spells, and all others in between. Some people can have more than 2, but it's rare.

Those of certain innate life paths are barred from performing Magic and may be locked into Generalist roles for their entire lifetime. The author does not agree with this, but it is what it is until the Council decides otherwise.”

Luna looks over at Violet reading the Magic book. "I think you should check the author of that book." she chuckles.

Violet looks to the author of the book. On the front cover, it says: MAGIC: An Understanding of Abilities - by Luna Grey. It seems Luna may have had some inspiration from Magic the Gathering’s typeface, as the title looks oddly similar.

“Oh wow! I did not know you wrote a book! That’s amazing!”

She smiles, "well an archivist's job is never over. I archive literally everything and sometimes get it published in my home veil."

At this point, Toby walks in. He's a rather tall and skinny human, 6ft 1in. He has grey hair and aviator goggles on his head, and wears a yellow plaid suit with a Solaire logo pin on the lapel. He walks over to them with a sincere and warm smile. "Oh hello... are you Violet?" Toby’s voice is kind of gruff, but it's almost grandfatherly.

“That would be me! You must be Toby I assume?”

"You assume correctly." He goes to hand Luna a hot chocolate in a thermos. "Can I get you something to drink? Maybe a snack?"

“A snack would be nice, thank you.”

"Would cake be alright? I just finished baking one."

Luna and Violet nod.

Toby goes back into the kitchen. As the door closes, the scent of chocolate cake wafts in the waiting room. Smells good. "I'm so glad he's here. Missed him a lot." she smiles.

Violet looks to Luna, glad she is happy for moment in the bleak world that they live in “How long has it been since you have seen him?”

"Well let's see here. I was pulled out of Solaire's lab on my 21st birthday by Jane and Toby, right?" Luna asks out loud.

Over in the corner, they can both hear Krystal's voice, but it sounds a little synthesized. "Yup, you got it." It seems to be coming from the armor in the corner. It looks like a mannequin but with various electronics equipped to it.

"So... I haven't seen Toby since then. 13 years." Luna sighs. Toby walks back in with two slices of chocolate cake frosted in yellow and white icing. He hands them both to Luna and Violet alongside forks and napkins.

“I see! Well glad to see you guys seeing each other after all this time!” She looks to Toby as she takes the cake and other utensils. “Thank you Toby.”

"You're very welcome Violet."

“So you need help with your telepathic thing or are we gonna talk about the elephant in the room about them dreams?” Violet asks.

"...perhaps we should go into the testing room?" Luna asks Toby nervously.

"Actually yes, let's do so."

"And I'll meet you two in there shortly. Just need to swap out." Krystal says. And with that, the mannequin armor goes silent and unmoving.

Luna and Toby walk into one of the other rooms and beckons Violet to join them. Violet follows, looking around as they walk. As the three of them walk in, many squares of soundproofing foam can be seen on the walls and various electronics that appear to block certain devices from transmitting data are found. Toby closes the door and lets out a heavy sigh. "So. Um, welcome to our privacy room Violet." he looks a little nervous.

"It looks lovely." Violet notices his nervousness, "You seem nervous. Is something on your mind?"

The room really does not look lovely. It’s pretty barren in fact, aside from a couple computers with the same Matrix style letters and numbers flowing, an odd wand-looking device connected to one them, and some comfortable chairs.

"Well. Erm, okay, so basically we use this room for one reason. It's the only way to get away from Solaire's surveilling eyes and ears. If they had any idea of what was going on, we might be in danger. Toby, can you explain?" Luna gets up and connects a couple wires as a green light turns on.

"Basically, we're trying to bring down Solaire." Toby says bluntly.

"I see. Well, I'm all ears and here to help. Where do we start?"

"So first off, I should explain a bit more about Solaire. Solaire is a company steeped in controversy. The LUNA project was originally designed to be a test project, one to see if they could create the perfect life. Unfortunately, playing one of the Many Gods Above is not their strong suit and they failed. All of their attempts failed except for one." he points to Luna. "Unfortunately, we don't really know much about how they created her. Or why, aside from fucking around and not finding out. At some point, they quit. Went silent for  years while testing on her.”

Krystal's voice is heard from the loudspeaker on the wall. "And then we got her out of there, got her to live with me. Trained her to be a normal functioning member of society, well as best as we could with our resources.”

"I see... so how do we plan on taking Solaire down? They seem to be a pretty powerful company and they don't seem to be screwing around." Violet asks excited to help out.

He takes a deep breath, "right now, our hands are tied. In creating Luna, they implanted a chip and a transmitter in her brain. We're worried that if they caught onto what we were scheming, they may pull the trigger."

"Hence why we're in here right now. We have transmitter blocks in place so that information cannot leave, plus soundproofing." Luna says.

"Understandable. We don't want any trigger-pulling." Violet looks around in thought. "So what steps can we take now? The baby steps?"

"That's exactly it. There really aren't any plays we can make yet. All we can do right now is learn what Solaire's planning with Project H and just keep Luna and Jane safe. Luna is special." Toby explains.

"Got it. I can do my best to protect you guys. If that is what is needed."

Toby nods. Krystal is silent. Luna takes a deep breath, "thank you Violet."

"I do have a theory about why Lunes has no memory." Krystal says. Luna looks over to the loudspeaker.

"Oh? Why do you think that is?" Violet asks.

"Well, think about it this way: if you have certain sensitive documents on your computer and you didn't want others to know about them, what do you think you would do Violet?"

Luna facepalms, "Oh for gods sake Krystal.”

"Probably hide them deep down, folder after folder, if I could?"

"Correct. Now think about it this way: Lunes currently has no memory of the past, almost no long-term memory whatsoever. She is threatened with dying if certain things about overthrowing Solaire is leaked. Why do you think this is?"

"Probably because she might have valuable info?"

"..." Luna goes wide eyed.

"I believe so. I've seen tiny glimpses into her long term memory. It's currently locked away by many many locks, all of which we cannot safely access. I truly believe Lunes has the information required to bring down Solaire. We just need to figure out how to unlock them."

".........ya know, i just wanted to live my life. not... what the fuck." Luna looks fucking boggled.

"Wow..." Violet looks to Luna "We got this. Everything is gonna be ok. We will figure this out."

Luna takes a deep breath trying to regain focus, but it doesn't seem to work. Just imagine being told you're potentially the reason Solaire eclipses. It's mindfuck worthy.

"Just focus Lunes. Close your eyes and take deep breaths. You are safe and loved Lunes. Toby and I will protect you.”

Toby looks concerned. He puts a hand on Luna's back and helps her to breathe.

"I didn't want any of this.. i just wanted to be normal." Luna groans while catching her breath.

"Right now, our tasks are threefold. We need to unlock Luna's long-term memory, we need to learn more about Project H, and we need Lunes to survive. I understand that things on your end are getting more and more intense by the minute. Various monsters and Worlds coming to attack. If we can handle all three of those, Solaire will fall." he explains.

Violet puts her hand on Luna’s shoulder to try and reassure her “We will take it one step at a time. It’s gonna be ok Luna.”

Luna takes another deep breath feeling the support from the three of them. "thank you.."

"You're gonna be fine Lunes." Toby reassures.

"So while we're on the topic of brain stuff and Solaire, should we talk about those dreams? Cuz I'll be honest, that was the first dream I've had since I died. Not exactly the biggest fan." Krystal’s voice sounds annoyed.

“What do you guys think it could be?” Violet asks.

"I'm not sure. I've looked into shared dreams since we last spoke and couldn't find much information. At least in terms of what we three experienced.” Toby says.

"Nor am I. Not to mention, I got the least information out of the dream. Everything instantly went red, unlike what Lunes said." says Krystal.

Luna adds, "And I will admit, the dream felt familiar. Did it feel familiar for either of you two?" Krystal says no, and Toby nods.

"Somewhat. But certain events were wrong, or rather, were out of order." says Toby.

“Hmmm do you think you guys could piece them together? Maybe in order?” Violet suggests.

"That's the thing. I genuinely don't remember what happened. Just that aside from the distortion, something felt really wrong about the dream."

Toby nods.

"I agree. I can't put my finger on it, but the dream... almost contradicted what actually happened that day. But for the life of me, I cannot remember the order it happened in."

"Nor can I." an electronic sigh can be heard.

“Hmmm weird… I wonder what started the dream-memory to begin with?”


"Apologies for being unable to be more forthwith with information, but it's a mystery we're currently trying to solve. Hopefully this will be the last shared dream we'll have." Oh he is so jinxing it. Luna facepalms. And if Krystal weren't in the loudspeaker on the wall, she would facepalm too. "Anyway, would you like to try out my prototype telepathic magic receiver?" Toby says trying to change the subject.

“Ooo I would love to if I can? May I?” Violet says.

Toby nods and Luna goes to disconnect the wire on the wall. The light signalling Krystal being in the loudspeaker turns off.

{- Ahhhh much better. -} Krystal says feeling right back at home with Luna.

Toby hands Violet a small headset with a crescent moon on the label. "So all you have to do is put the headset in your ear and it should enable you to access Luna and Krystal's telepathic channel. And you should be able to communicate back with her as well."

“Alright!” Violet puts it on.

{- Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3. Violet can you hear me? -} Violet is now able to hear Krystal but it is a little loud. It sounds like actual human voice, but with a slight Brooklyn accent.

“Oh! Yep! Very loud and clear!”

"Oop, that's my fault. If you feel around the side, there's a little volume slider." Toby adds.

Luna sighs.

Violet feels around for the volume slider as she turns it down a bit.

{- Testing once more. Any better? -} The volume is perfect. Not too quiet and not too loud either.

{"oooooh I wanna try. can you hear me too?"} Violet hears Luna's telepathic voice as well. It's somewhat high pitched and a tiny bit artificial, kind of like if it were thrown into a voice modulation software.

Violet giggles a bit “Yep! All good!”

"Okay good! So two things. One, it's currently in its prototype state, so it may malfunction a little bit. Nothing dangerous, I promise. And two, the distance is sorta limited. Currently it will only work if Luna and you are in the same general area. I'm sure both Luna and Krystal will answer DMs if you need them past that."

Luna nods.

"Shouldn't need any charging either. I imbued it with a little bit of my energy restoration magic, so it should be fine.”

"Ah, so that's why my phone and laptop don't need charging?" Luna asks.


"Interesting." Luna yawns a little bit. She looks tired.

“Well thank you Toby. This is amazing. Unless we have anything else, it seems that Luna is gonna hit the hay.”

Luna nods and looks really tired. "yeah,, I should probably get back home and take a nap.."

{- I guess learning about everything today may have overwhelmed and stressed her out. -}

Luna and Toby leave the room. Violet looks around before following the group. She sees the same room as before, but it appears the Matrix-style letters and numbers are just a screensaver. A log-in screen appears. They beckon Violet to come out.

"Anyway, I'm gonna head home Toby. Thank you for everything." she goes to hug him and he accepts.

"And I have some things I need to get done." he looks tired too.

{- Like some sleep? -} Krystal sounds like she’s grinning.

“Yea I think you should get some sleep as well.”

Toby smiles and holds the door open to the outside for Violet. Luna disappears after waving goodbye. Violet walks out the door as she gives a wave to Toby.

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