One Year Ago

     Oh hey. I just got into thinking about my life, especially with topics of death on the table, and I guess I've never really told the story of my origins. Well... I guess of the stuff that I'm allowed to remember. Even thinking about everything else causes me a lot of pain, so um, let's see here.

    About a year ago, I was finally rendered destitute. I barely had a house. It was battered and destroyed as I've been scrounging for scraps ever since Jane died. She taught me a lot about social life, skills, things my creators never would, but ever since, it's just been hard. The fact that I'm even still alive despite my creators' intentions? It's a miracle. One that I thank the Many Gods Above for endlessly, as I still pray to them to this day. 

    Anyway, so the house I shared with Jane was in shambles obviously. I tried to keep it tidy and pretty as she taught me. But finding work where remnants of my past wouldn't stop me, being a Solaire Enterprises LUNA and thus highly uneducated, was next to impossible. I got lucky with odd jobs though, so I at least had the ability to keep food on the table here or there, but for the most part, I had nothing more than the laptop with my years of notes as Jane taught me and basic shelter in the middle of the city.


    My home life minus Jane was lonely, but I kept joining various communities online for companionship. They were nice to me, especially since they didn't know an artificially created cat girl was behind the screen, and I was able to keep my identity secret. Turns out communication like that is useful. Some of these communities were ARG focused as well, which got me really interested in the whole mystery solving aspect and taught me about various topics. Gave me things to search for and expand my horizons. And it taught me to archive my notes in a way for others to read.

    But finally, in October, I couldn't find any more work. Maybe Solaire got to them and told them to stop, I have no idea. I had a pretty consistent work flow up to this point. And then I was choked out of resources. My memory was failing, I could barely remember anything, even including my short term memory was fucking up.

    That's... when I found an advertisement for the Noble War. And without thinking and weighing my options, mostly because it was either join or die of starvation, I signed up and jumped onto the back of a flying whale which took me to the Church of the Raindrops.

    Truly, I feel like that was for the best. I was given a miracle by the Many Gods Above, a chance for friendship, actual living quarters, food. And I would never have taken this decision back, even if recent events with Sparrow and Orpheus have gotten me to question a lot. I know I was meant to be here. I am happy to be here.

I'm sorry for rambling on, but I really felt like this needed to be put out there.

And I hope that someday, I can have my memories unlocked and not have to rely on constant note taking to remember anything. This is Luna Grey, signing out.

That was impressive. Way to go Lunes.

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