Internal Chat Log: June 19, 2022 @ 1:10pm local time.

Hello LUNA.

Hello... asshole.

How are things?

Why the fuck do you care? I'm not part of the family anymore, remember?
Even so, I figured I might as well check on you, tomorrow's a big day.
A big day? You mean 34 years after I was created.
Glad to see your memory hasn't been affected. You're still my greatest creation.
You mean cuz all my siblings died?
No. It's because of you, our group has made some progress on learning about other... what do you call them? Worlds? Realms? Universes?
...what the fuck do you want?  It's hard enough just trying to survive without your shit reminding me of the past. I want this fucking chip out.
No can do LUNA. We're on the verge of greatness. You just keep doing your thing and everything will be fine. I promise.
That's what you said after Jane died. You said she'd... be safe. And now here I am, with my true family, one that actually loves me for who I am. Never fucking speak to me again, I'm done with your experimentation.
{*Call disconnected.*}  

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