Puppet Panic

 Luna continues to walk through the forest for a bit. It seems like she knows where she wants to go. The trees go on for a while before they reach a clearing within the larger forest. "Welcome to my old training spot. This is where Hinata and I escaped to during the Blood Moon Raid 17 years ago." 

Some of the trees in the area seem carved into. It would be a stretch to call it comfortable, but for two runaways amidst the chaos, it's enough. There is a lot of space in this area, mostly formed by dirt. It seems this location was already modified by Luna, considering the lack of snow on the ground and the grass being picked clean in case of misfires.

“Oh wow. Neat area you got! Perfect place to practice… whatever this thing can do.” Violet by this point pulls out the feather from her shirt, admiring it.

"Yeah uh remember when I said i went to the fifth floor? I uhh..." she rubs the back of her head, "i might have lied just to get this place ready. You do NOT want the Flamebearer's magic to affect the forest, otherwise we might have a wildfire on our hands." Luna looks nervous as hell.

"Luna are you sure you know what you're doing?" asks Elara unconvinced.

Luna nods, "Yeah, I have it all under control, please take a look over by the trees if you would."

They both look and see the treeline seems to be protected by purple sheets of amethyst, no doubt Krystal's doing. "Jane's magic is incredibly resilient, even defending against Creature of Legend Magic," Luna explains.

Luna's eyes turn a deep purple signalling Jane taking over, "You're goddamn right Luna."

Violet nods, “That’s good to hear. Thanks Jane!”

"You're soooooo welcome. Anyway, Flamebearer magic," Krystal continues, walking up to Violet, "to use Creature of Legend magical abilities, the first thing you must do is take a deep breath and point the Gift towards a target. And then, you must shout the words "Flamebearer!" or whatever the Creature of Legend's true name is, "use Flame Blast!", or whatever the spell is called. Much like Luna's magic, it's based on Words of Power, so it can't be used if you're silenced in some way.”

“Hmmm ok,” Violet takes a deep breath as she aim the feather to the ground a good distance away. “Flamebearer! Use Flame Blast!”

On taking the deep breath, on the sky, clouds begin to swirl above Violet despite no wind in the air. Saying the Words of Power, a massive blast of searing scarlet and gold flames launches from the feather singing the ground beneath them and hardening it into what feels like fired ceramic. Violet notices the feather becoming cold on using the Magic, but as time passes, the feather will eventually return to its usual heat. In a way, this is a Cooldown, but in the opposite direction. It takes around 15 minutes for the feather to return to its usual state. After the spell finishes, the clouds return to their normal positions. 

"And that's how you use Gift magic. It has a mana cost, and usually the mana costs are less than obvious. Words of Power are how you cast them, but you must know the Creature's true name and Spell. For the most part, only one spell is on a Gift," Krystal explains.

Elara is stunned. She has no idea what the hell she just witnessed but it was cool nonetheless.

“Woah! That was cool! I’ll keep that in mind.” Violet looks to the feather, amazed of its potential

Krystal nods as her eyes return to their usual glowing blue. Luna smiles, "Krystal taught me a lot about how to use various kinds of magic. Creature of Legend Magic acts similarly to the kind I have in me, except it's always based on Words of Power."

Elara raises her hand, as if she were in school, "uh question, what if the magic comes from a plushie?"

Luna tilts her head, "pardon?"

"Yeah, uh I'm not sure how it happened, but I used Mr. Bunnykins in that arena I told you about and I scalded some dude accidentally." she says matter-of-factly

Luna is shocked, "WHAT???"

"I mean he was fine at the end of the match, everything I did to him reverted like nothing happened, but I still felt bad. Turns out the scent of burning flesh kinda stinks." Elara giggles

Luna looks dumbfounded and scared by the giggle, "...c-can I see Mr. Bunnykins???" Luna asks, slightly worried as her eyes return to dark purple.

"Yeah, here ya.. uhhhh where did he go?" Elara opens her knapsack and the rainbow bunny plushie is nowhere to be seen. She searches all over the place for it to make sure it didn't just fall out. "Mr. Bunnykins??? Where are you??"

"Oh dear." Krystal starts searching as well.

Violet looks curiously and starts searching as well.

Now Loading - One Moment Please.

The area around them freezes in place, Luna and Elara unable to move. Violet is the only person capable of moving around.

“Not again- COME ON!” Violet sprints in the direction she was going, not giving the loading process a chance to load “What the hell Error.”

While dashing, a bright flash of light consumes Violet's eyesight. She finds herself right next to Elara and Luna once more. It is almost as if she is unable to proceed. Another flash of light consumes the area as all of the crystal protections in the area vanish.

One more flash of light and a certain rainbow plushie is in front of the trio. Loading - 100%

Mr. Bunnykins - Truly the face of evil...

Elara and Luna are still searching the area for the plushie despite it being right there in front of them.

“Uhh guys!” Violet rushes over, grabbing the plushie

"I will ask you to get your grubby mitts off of me! I am Elara's." It commands.

"Ah there you are! Been looking for you Mr. Bunnykins." Elara holds her hands out for Violet to give it back.

Luna comments with a smile, "Whoa you found it, good job Violet!"

Violet gives it back in a jump, “Ah! It talks?! Why- how?”

"Eh? No it doesn't." Elara responds, "Are you okay Violet?"

The plushie says, "heh. Nice try." The only person who can hear it talk is Violet.

Krystal tilts her head, "Eh??"

“What? Yes? No?” Violet looks to Bunnykins “This is not funny- are you the one who took down the protection?”

Even though its face is planted within Elara's chest, Violet can sense something super off with its vision, "Maaaaybe, but you can't prove it was me. You're the only one who can hear me! Ehehe." Its voice is soooo smarmy, it's almost like Markiplier doing a Markiplier impression, kind of deep in that sense. "The Psycho Puppeteer says hi by the way." Elara resecures Mr Bunnykins back into her knapsack. Its cute button eyes and face staring out and seemingly keeping its attention on Violet.

Krystal mutters, "Right, uh should we start heading back? Wait when did my crystal go down? Ugh, stupid mana."

“What do you mean the Psycho Puppeteer says hi- who and what are you?” Violet stares back at Bunnykins. “Elara can I please see Mr. Bunnykins?”

"Uhhh sure? Are you sure you're okay?" Elara takes Mr. Bunnykins out of her backpack and hands it to Violet, "please be careful with it though? He's my favorite!"

"Hm, that's interesting, we're not alone." It remarks. In Violet's hands, it doesn't feel anywhere near as soft as Elara seems to think. It feels like Violet is touching a cactus while holding it. It hurts Violet while she continues to hold onto it.

Krystal closes her eyes seemingly focusing on something. Her ears perk up and focus on the trees around her. "Something's wrong here."

Violet grips on to Mr Bunnykins, holding on for dear life despite the pain and as well trying to feel if anything is inside it. “Who’s here. Who are you.” Violet whispers to Bunnykins

Despite the plushie clearly being made of fabric and fluffy stuffing, Violet feels sharp pieces of glass. It does not cut her of course, that would be silly, but it hurts all the same. Mr Bunnykins does not like being held by Violet.

Violet sets Me Bunnykins on the ground as Violet sits down in front of him, “Tell me… who is here.”

"I'm nothing more than an experiment gone wrong. And that out there, is my Master." Mr. Bunnykins appreciates being set down gently.

Just then, various strings and ropes fly out from the trees, entangling the area into a jungle of wires. None of the ropes hit the trio, but something begins to emerge above the trees. A large purple jester rises above the treeline holding what seems to be a piece of wood connected to the strings. And on the ends of the strings lie many small puppets that face the group. 

A Creature of Legend has spawned.


Krystal looks up above the treeline, "Psycho Puppeteer!" they call out as they summon an amethyst battle axe to their hands.

Elara picks up Mr. Bunnykins. "Are you ready to fight?" It doesn't respond for it made of fabric and stuffing, but Violet can clearly hear it say, "you might want to prepare yourself. My Master is a difficult opponent."

Violet summon a double sided scythe, twirling it around and ready to attack if need be, “Puppeteer. What do you wish from us.”

The Psycho Puppeteer does not respond.

== Boss Battle - The Psycho Puppeteer. BEGIN ==

Krystal enchants her battle axe with the power of Ice and attempts to break through the strained strings, but it doesn't seem to work. Elara tries to make Mr. Bunnykins shoot out steam but it doesn't. "Seriously Ella? I'm not stupid enough to attack Master!" It seems to groan.

Violet think for a moment before grabbing her feather, crossing her finger as she prays to the Many Gods Above, pointing the feather to the feet of the Puppeteer so that it has a low chance of hitting anything else over then the ground, trying her best to avoid any trees, as she takes a big breath. “Please work- please don’t damage to the forest”

“Flamebearer! Use Flame Blast!”

Once more, as Violet takes the deep breath, the clouds in the sky begin to move away to swirl above her. On saying the Words of Power, the scarlet and golden flames seem to redirect away from the feet, as if attracted to the Psycho Puppeteer's weakpoint, the large wooden Control it’s holding!  

Heavy damage is dealt to the Creature of Legend!

It begins to smolder a bit as an enraged battle cry is uttered from it. It sounds nothing else like anyone has heard, a shrill cry of anguish and rage from having itself being cooked.  Krystal's eyes begin to flicker red as she knocked down from the extremely loud sounds. She is struggling to keep herself under control, her claws digging into her head to force herself to focus. Elara doesn't seem to be affected by the sounds as it seems like some kind of a shining light is surrounding her.

"Yooooo whoa, what's with the light show?" Elara feels warm.

The Flame Blast does not seem to affect any of the trees in the area.

"Yeah you're fuckin welcome Ella. I may not like attacking Master, but I like you a lot more!" It growls.

Krystal is downed and struggling to keep her composure.

Violet sets the feather back in her shirt, giving it time to cool down. She struggles to figure out what to do, but knowing she can’t help Krystal in anyway, she decides to try and instead shut up the Puppeteer, perhaps helping in the process. Violet twirls her double edged scythe and she flys up to its weak point, striking it with all her might!

With the weakpoint weakened as heavily as it is by the Flamebearer's Flame Blast, the scythe cuts clean through the Control as it drops to the ground below. The Psycho Puppeteer stares at Violet. It stares at her for a while before turning around and leaving. The wires and puppets all fall down limp. It doesn't seem like any of those are Gifts, however.

"...right, i Uh probably should explain. Shouldn't I?" Again, only Violet can hear Mr. Bunnykins. Its bravado has faded away and it sounds a lot more meek.

Krystal's eyes recover to their usual dark purple but she seems out of it. Exhausted. "Fuucking hell, what was that?"

“Why did it look at me that way… whatever.” Violet looks over to Bunnykins,“Yes, please. Explain.”

It seems to take a deep breath before speaking, though it doesn't have any lungs, "so. how do I explain? I uh might be a creature of legend myself, and technically the psycho puppeteer is my father???"

Elara tilts her head, "uh wait, who said that???"

Krystal looks on at Bunnykins, "wait what the FUCK?? You're a Creature of Legend????"

Violet looks shocked, “What?! Oh damn. Sorry you have a sucky father. Well at least it seems.”

"That's just it... it's extremely technically. Uhm, well usually creatures of legend aren't manufactured like I am..." Its voice seems scared.

Elara cannot believe her ears, but regardless she hugs Mr. Bunnykins tightly, "oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this is sooooooooooo coooooooooooool! My plushie can talk! I'm not insane!! Take that mom, I'm not worthy of a mental institution like you say I am!"

"That's so fucking concerning Elara," Krystal groans.

Violet looks to Mr Bunnykins, “You seem scared. What’s up?”

"W-Well.. okay, lemme put it this way: when I say psycho puppeteer is technically my father, it's closer to we have a similar soul... I was created by uh.. uhhhhhhhhhh... i forgot, but i hated them. they treated me like an experiment and not a loving plushie like i was meant to be! and then i met ella and everything was good, and i was happy being part of her harem. Xey're so nice to me."

“So like you’re an artificial CoL?”

It would nod but it can't physically move. "correct. my soul was created from the psycho puppeteer's. I have the ability to use magic like a Gift, but I don't have any of the perks. And my giftee, is Elara."

Violet might be able to see a tag attached to Mr. Bunnykins' behind.

Elara grins, "So that's how I burned that doofus at the arcade! Cool!"

Violet takes a look at the tag. The tag says "Solaire Enterprises - Hinata4U Version 3.0".

"Man I can't wait to get a Gift of my own." Krystal sighs in giftless and bitchless.

“Oh shit… Krystal come look at this.” Violet says, pointing at the tag

Krystal tilts her head and looks at the tag. "Well I'll be gods damned. Solaire Enterprises, what the hell are you doing manufacturing creatures of legend??? Ugh, anyway, should we head back? I got some questions for ol' Rebecca for tomorow."

Elara yawns as well, "yeah uh i'm kinda sleepy as well," she says as her eyes begin drooping a bit.

“Yea I agree. That sounds good to me.”

Krystal snaps her fingers, the trio returns to ⁠Central Square, then they eventually all go their separate ways. During the time they’ve been gone, they don’t notice the tree in the Square has gotten a little taller…

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