Private Sword Lessons

 Adventure Log - December 6, 2023 - A Date with Viper of Cole Genesone Industries

ALAIS - The Gang is sitting at home together when Miss Lochlan and Cole return from their own adventure. Lochlan, a 5ft tall orange fox nonferal, which is to say a bipedal furry animal that can talk, walk and do anything humans can do, says she got Cole’s assistant’s phone number from his company headquarters.

Krystal - I had heard this woman can kick major ass, so of course Luna and Hinata are going to be interested in that. I swear they’re gay as heck.


Hinata tilts her head in confusion, "with the hot lady on Tumblr? Whats her face, I swear I see the name but I can't remember it."

"Wait hot woman where?" Luna asks gayly.

Lochlan speaks up, "Viper."

Cole rolls his eyes, "She's just a girl that wears a tuxedo and prevents me from using things that aren't ready yet"

Lochlan adds, "Yeah I also got her number." 

Cole slowly looks over at Lochlan, "What?"

Hinata claps her hands remembering it, "ah yeah, Viper. That's such a cool name da-- wait huhhhhh??? You got her number!?"

Lochlan gets the card out from her jacket, "Yeah, you want it?" Luna and Hinata both nod excitedly.

Cole folds his arms, "Fucking gay people."

Lochlan holds it out to them, "She gave it to me for something called a date. I don't like the taste of dates so have fun."

"Says the person who's head over heels for Icarus," Luna chuckles before stopping dead in her tracks, "wait huh? You rizzed her up?" She takes the card. 

Lochlan tilts her head, "What's rizzed?"

"Short for charisma, basically sweet talking and flirting to excite and persuade others. I'm pretty good at that myself," Hinata grins smugly.

Luna shakes her head, "tell me about it. You basically had a hold on me when we first met. I couldn't stop staring into your eyes."

Cole shakes his head, "Well good luck with trying to get with Viper, I don't know one person who's actually gotten her to blush or be flustered."

Hinata clasps her hands a bit and stretches, "then it's about time I be the first. After we finish eating of course." She goes back to eating

Lochlan shrugs, "I got her fluster pretty easily. Crumbled like a cookie. She was threatening to harm me for answers but the minute I lead her on she was leading me out the door."

Cole raises his eyebrow at Lochlan, "Huh...well forgive me for not believing but that's a stretch and a half"

"That's either hot as hell or extremely concerning," Luna mutters in between slurps of her ramen

Lochlan shrugs, "Ok, fine suuurrreee I just took a note with her number on it without getting close enough to smell pomegranates." 

Cole rolls his eyes, "You probably took it from her desk, and everything in her fucking office smells like that"

"Pomegranate? Dunno if I know that smell." Luna tilts her head side to side.

Lochlan nods, "Alright. Fine, definitely stole it. Definitely didn't steal the heart of a green eyed 5'11" and black hair with ease and she's expecting a call from me right now."

"Oh really? Want us to talk for you?" Hinata offers. There are absolutely no ulterior motives here.

"Holy tall. I wish I was that tall," Luna sighs. Being the shortest person in The Gang is a struggle sometimes.

Cole folds his arms, "Like any of you would be able to actually get a date with her"

Lochlan suddenly sits up, "IS THAT A BET???"

Luna and Hinata’s ears flatten from Lochlan’s volume, "Jeez Loch, calm down. If anyone is getting a date with Viper, it's me. Erm.. us!" Luna grins. Hinata nods.

Cole snickers, "Yeah right"

Lochlan nods, "If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have her number."

"True, okay, you go first then Lochlan. Need a phone?" Hinata asks, unsure if Lochlan even has a cellphone.

Lochlan nods and holds out a hand. Hinata dials the number and gives Loch her cellphone. Lochlan holds the phone up to her ear after hitting call. Luna and Hinata both focus on the phone call using their hypersensitive hearing.

A woman's voice answers, she sounds excited, "Wow, you called me already?"

Lochlan puts a hand behind her head and takes on a smug grin as she gets into character, "Yeah! Thought getting to know someone like you would be fun so I couldn't stop thinking about it. Was worried you might have been busy this late though. You're not too busy right now are you?"

Luna chuckles at Lochlan's attempt at Rizzardry, but at the same time, getting to hear even a smidge of Viper's voice fills her with interest. Hinata watches silently and takes some notes on Luna's laptop.

There's some quiet clacking of a keyboard, as she responds "Uhhhh I'm not too too busy, ask away"

Lochlan continues, "So what kind of food are we thinkin? Something heavy, light, quick, cozy, maybe elegant?"

Viper replies, "I mean I wouldn't mind something light, but I haven't had a good meal in a little bit so I'd say something heavy"

Lochlan makes a quiet snicker, "Maybe some place classy? Wouldn't want the other customers feeling under dressed when you walk in." 

Luna raises an eyebrow. "Do you even have money for that?" she mutters.

Viper lets out a small laugh, "I have stuff that's more casual, I just dress like this for work"

Lochlan chuckles a bit, "Oh I didn't mean clothing." 

"Eh? I didn't mean clo--? Ohhhhh wait, girl you're too good at this. You gotta give me some pointers Lochlan," Hinata admits and sighs.

"Daaaaayum, go get those bitches Loch," Luna giggles quietly

The clacking of the keyboard stops as she clears her throat, "Right...."

Lochlan asks, "Trivials aside, how do you feel about Italian food?" 

The keyboard noises resume but seem slightly slower as Viper responds, "I wouldn't mind depending on what it is, I've had pasta one too may times this week"

Hinata and Luna continue to watch in silence.

Lochlan nods, "Alright what about a steakhouse? Something less than usual."

Viper pauses for a second then responds, "I wouldn't mind a steakhouse, seems more your style anyways"

An eyebrow is raised from both Luna and Hinata. They don't say anything past that.

Lochlan gets up and stretches, "So when do you get off work?"

Viper's typing stops as she thinks for a second then responds, "Uhhhh I mean technically right now? I could leave at any point since I'm kinda just doing my work for the next day"

"Great! I'll be a purple cat woman and a yellow dog. See you then!" Lochlan hangs up.

Cole shakes his head at them, "Of course you'd bait and switch her"

"What does that mean?" Lochlan holds the phone out to Hinata

The sudden shift in mood is still so confusing to Hinata. She takes the phone back and sighs, "so wait, you do realize Viper's gonna be really confused when you're not the one who shows up at the steakhouse, right?"

"Wait what, what do you mean Lochlan??" Luna looks nervous.

Lochlan looks confused, "What?"

"Like Viper knows exactly what you look like right? She's probably gonna think we're some assassins or some shit. Which... we technically are, but that's beside the point." Luna sighs

Cole chuckles, "Well I did train her in hand to hand combat so you might get a rude awakening if she thinks your gonna kill her, might wanna call her back and tell her what's going on"

Hinata nods, "yeah, that's probably for the best. Gods I hope she picks up." She dials the number once more.

It rings a couple times before she answers, "Sorry if I'm taking so long, I'm trying to figure out what I have that's more casual in my wardrobe"

Hinata gulps, seems all that Rizzardry talk has gone through the window and crashed into the street, "U-Uhm, hello, sorry, I'm not Lochlan, this is Hinata; someone she lives with and Cole? I'm the uh yellow dog she mentioned previously."

Lochlan watches, she still looks a bit confused.

There's a couple seconds before she answers, "So....I'm not meeting with whoever called earlier" it's at this point she realizes that she did not get a name, "I didn't even get her name....shit"

"Uhm," Hinata covers the speaker with her hand, "You never gave her a name Lochlan??? What the heck?" 

Luna shakes her head. Cole snickers quietly.

Lochlan cuffs her hands over her face and yells loud enough for the phone, "IT'S LOCHLAN!!"

Due to the extremely loud volume, both Luna and Hinata are knocked out and the phone falls to the ground.

Cole facepalms and shakes his head. Viper sounds confused, "What happened?" 

Lochlan looks confused as well and picks up the phone, “Hey yeah the other two passed out.”

Viper sounds even more confused, "Why?"

Lochlan shrugs, "Not really sure? I yelled my name to them and they fell like scared goats."

A few minutes later, Luna groans a bit and puts a hand to her head on waking up, "Lochlan, that's exactly it. When you yelled at the top of your voice, it triggered a failsafe we have installed to protect our hearing." Hinata wakes up next, shaking her head, "it knocks us out cold temporarily depending on how loud."

Viper pauses for a second, "Do these two happen to have the names of Luna and Hinata?" 

Luna and Hinata's ears perk up on hearing their name from the phone.

Lochlan nods, "Yes those are the two." She then whispers to the others, "Why can't you turn down your hearing or turn that protocol off?"

"See that's just it, we're able to turn down the hearing sensitivity, but we don't do well when it's sudden like that. The protocol doesn't have a switch, and frankly I'm scared to go through my programming," Luna groans.  Hinata nods as they both defocus quite a bit on the room. A bit of a purple glow surrounds both of their ears acting like a pair of noise protectors. This is known as their Audio Muffle spell. 

Viper seems slightly excited, "Wait wait, you mean the two that caused Cole to want to sharpen his sword skills? Not to mention the two that I've had my eye on for who knows how long?" Cole seems embarrassed and crosses his arms as he looks at the floor

Hinata and Luna look at each other in confusion, then at the exact same time, they exclaim. "Wha-- WHAT? Had your eye on?! Oh come on, not again!" It's like an echo in the room. 

Lochlan nods with a sly grin, "Yeah! Those two! You could go on a date with them if you wanted. I’m sure they wouldn't mind."

Viper seems to think about it, "I mean I wouldn't mind but by judging on that reaction I don't think I have a chance."

Hinata responds, "wait huh? No no, I wouldn't mind that." Luna nods, "yeah our relationship's open. You definitely have a chance Viper."

Lochlan nods and speaks to her, "Oh no they love you and a lot. They also think you're hot."

Viper sounds a hint confused, "Then why did you react like that? Do a lot of people ha-" Viper is cut off by Lochlan and goes quiet

"Oh that? Uh, it was part of our assassin training from ages ago. We basically share the same brain sometimes, it's a curse," Luna explains.

Hinata is cherry red in the face and stammering heavily. She literally cannot get words out. It almost sounds like an audible keyboard smash, "hgdskgslgsl."

It takes Viper a second but then she responds with a, "Ohhhhh, alright also is whoever just had a stroke okay? And I have a feeling Lochlan enjoys stirring the pot." 

Hinata gulps, takes a deep breath and replies using actual words, "definitely... likes teasing. Good gods above. But uh yeah I'm down to have dinner with you. Lu is too." Luna nods.

Lochlan keeps the phone near herself, "No definitely not. Now are you still up for that date with them?"

It takes Viper a second to respond due to Lochlan's answer, "I'm down, maybe I'll get some private sword lessons from the people able to make Cole jealous" she snickers

Lochlan looks up from to phone, "She said she's down, you two up for it?"

Luna and Hinata both nod excitedly.

Lochlan nods, "They're down too."

The air vibrates as Violet appears in The Gang’s living room, "Sup."

Viper seems excited, "Awesome, I'm assuming it's the same plan as before? Or are we changing the plan a little?"

Lochlan snickers, "I'll leave it up to you musketeers to figure out." Lochlan tosses the phone to Luna, "Batter up."

Seeing Violet reenter the house randomly causes Luna to not catch the phone. It hits her in the face. "owwww."

"Oh! Sorry!" apologizes Violet

Cole looks up from the floor and sees Violet, "Jesus fuck, how did I not notice you?!" Viper sounds concerned, "Who threw the phone?! And who did it hit?!"

Hinata grimaces, "Uhm, Lochlan threw the phone at Lu. And it hit Lu in the face."

"Did I come back at a bad time?" Violet asks

Lochlan sits back down in the corner with a smile

Luna rubs her nose and answers, "I'm okay. Uhm, soooo the steakhouse in town sounds okay?"

Hinata waves to Violet, "Nope you're fine hun. Welcome back."

Viper answers, "I'm glad you’re okay, and I'm good with the steak house" Cole shakes his head, "You're fine, just jumpscared me"

Violet waves back, "Hello Hinata, hope you are well? Oh! And look what I got!" Violet untucks the feather from her shirt, showing off her Flamebearer feather necklace.

Hinata's attention is currently split between the hot woman on the cellphone and the hot scarlet feather around Violet's neck, "Whoaa what's that? That's so cool looking."

"Alright Viper see you soon. We'll make sure to bring our swords with us." Luna nods and hangs up.

"Wait so, was the sword thing innuendo or for real? I'm kind of thinking on the former." Hinata shrugs.

"It's a Flamebearer feather. Met them in the woods with Rebecca. They seem pretty nice... as long as you don't mess with them that is." Violet explains.

Cole rolls his eyes, "Probably for real since she mentioned my jealously" Cole sighs and mutters, "Didn't have to mention that though"

Hinata stares at Violet in disbelief, "wh-what..? But the Flamebearer is a myth. It's a story told to children to keep them away from The Outskirts, something about the flames of rage burning anyone who gets near it to ashes." 

Lochlan has zoned back in but looks horridly confused by everything

"Turns out it's real! It's a beautiful looking bird of fire. Turns out it just wants to sleep and not be bothered. Pretty chill besides that." Violet continues.

"...what the fuck." Hinata shakes her head and gets out of her own mind, "A-anyway, we got a hot lady to meet up with." Hinata and Luna walk out to their bedroom.

Cole looks over at Violet, "I'm sorry, bird of fire?!"

Violet looks to Cole, "More like a phoenix of sorts if I had to describe it."

Cole nods, "So you met a phoenix? and talked to it?!"

"Well the Flamebearer seemed to have some telepathy to communicate then talking face to face with it."

"It has telepathy?!" Cole just looks more and more concerned

"Yep! I think it's pretty cool. I'll have to see if the feather has any magical properties to it..." It feels warm still, even hours later. Violet holds it in her hands, curious what it can do, but it doesn’t seem to do anything in its current state. Touching it feels warm, but past that it’s just a feather. It’s very light. If you had a kilogram of them, it would match a kilogram of steel.

Cole still looks concerned.

Hinata and Luna walk out. Hinata has her favorite kimono on, which is black with sunflowers scattered on it. Luna has a black sparkly frilly dress on with a crescent moon on its sash and wearing a large black witch hat on her head. It's definitely familiar to anyone who was around for her Magical Girl mode. They look completely out of place and perhaps too dressed for Texas Roadhouse.

Violet pockets the feather back under her shirt, sitting herself down on the couch, "Looking amazing you two!"

They both move towards the back wall where their broomsticks are hanging. "Right, uhm. I guess we'll see y'all in a bit? Gonna give Viper some 'private sword lessons'" Hinata winks. She is clueless.

Lochlan is eternally confused.

"I'm still confused. Is it slash j or slash srs? or slash innuendo?" Luna tilts her head as they start walking out. She's clueless too.

Cole gives both of them a very "Ha homosexuals" look as he watches them leave

They are holding hands on walking out. Anyone in the house that can see the window can see them launch themselves into the sky as they make their way to the city.


[Location Tag: Downtown - Texas Roadhouse]

Luna and Hinata float down into the city and snap their broomsticks back home. Then they walk hand in hand towards the restaurant Viper's waiting at. Outside of the steakhouse, they would notice a very out of place, bright pink Ford F150 with fuzzy dice in the windshield. Viper is sitting in the lobby wearing a black button-up paired with a black cowboy-looking overcoat. Physically, she has black hair and green eyes. Her face looks slightly more masculine than feminine with black eyeliner and pomegranate lipstick.

Luna's eyes glow a bit more of an intense blue on seeing Viper, "oh my gosh, Cole never told me his assistant was so pretty." She removes the witch hat from her head which reveals her extremely long purple hair that extends down halfway down her back and furred cat ears atop her head. Hinata's stubby blonde tail is wagging on seeing Viper, "hello, nice to finally meet you." Neither of them seem to notice people staring at them for their animal features. 

Viper stands up, revealing her height to be around 5'6" with a pair of black cowboy boots to match the over coat, she doesn't seem to mind the animal features at all as she offers a hand to shake as she speaks with a polite voice, "Well thank you, I think blue is a very nice color on you, and it is good to finally meet the both of you" 

Luna takes Viper's hand gently, "likewise. I'm Luna Nightshade", she says with her usual bright smile. Luna has a pair of thick black glasses as well. Hinata nods as well, her short blonde hair with a streak of red in front fluttering a bit. A couple pointy dog ears poke out of the top of their head, "And I'm Hinata Solaire. It is so nice to finally meet you Viper."

Viper gently shakes Luna's hand then let's go as she smiles at the both of them, "Well now that introductions are out of the way, I'm assuming you two wanna get something to eat?"

"Sure. That sounds lovely," Hinata nods. Luna nods as well.

Viper smiles and starts walking to their table with some excitement in her stride. They both follow, not caring about what the other people think. They make it to their table, Viper sits down at the table and waits for them to sit down as she grabs the menu.

Luna and Hinata sit down and grab a menu themselves. Hinata helps herself to a roll and cinnamon butter while Luna, who's literally never been to Texas Roadhouse before, raises an eyebrow at some of the names. "Road kill? Rattlesnake bites? Odd. But uhm.. hm."

Viper's looking through the menu but hears Luna's concern and tilts the menu down to talk, "Oh those are just the names, the food here is actually pretty good."

Hinata puts a hand on her shoulder, "yeah Lu, it's great here. Just very Texas."

"Ah, okay. Awwright, I know what I want then." Luna puts her menu down and eats a roll.

Viper sets her menu down with a slight smile, "This place is very...." Viper gestures at the bucket of peanuts "Wild west styled to say the least."

"Indeed. I loved reading about the wild west when I was a kid," Luna smiles while eating another roll. "This place is really cool," Hinata smiles, "but it ain't anywhere as cool as you Viper."

Krystal - Oh no.

Viper smiles a little wider as she looks over at Hinata, "Well thank you" Viper rests her head on her hands, "Though when you walked in I think I realized what a star actually looks like."

Krystal - Crisis averted???

Hinata freezes in her tracks as her face changes to scarlet red, "Uhmm... y-you too.."

Luna giggles, "I love it when she breaks like that."

Viper snickers, "God I could get used to that"

"She usually hits me with that, but it's nice to see it happen to her," Luna smiles. Hinata is unable to speak, verbally keyboard smashing instead.

Viper nods while still smiling, "I'd imagine, though if Hinata looks amazing while flustered I couldn't imagine what you look like"

Luna pauses in her tracks, "Uhm... d-don't worry about that Viper.."

It's at this moment that the waiter arrives at their table, "Hi I'm Walter, welcome to Texas Roadhouse, can I get you three started with beverages?" The three order their beverages, though Hinata struggles to keep her cool while dealing with intense bottom thoughts. Luna seems to not be doing so well either.

Viper breaks into a small giggle the second Walter is out of earshot

Luna and Hinata are both flushed and red hearing Viper's giggle.

Viper grins at seeing them turn red, "God just the giggle? Didn't know I was sitting across from some bottoms" Viper playfully rolls her eyes

"What no? I'm not a bottom,' Luna lies. Hinata is struggling to get words out. Walter is taking a suspiciously long time bringing back their beverages.

Viper raises her eyebrow at Luna, "Yeah?"

Luna exhales, "no, I am," her face getting redder by the second. Hinata puts her hand on her shoulder giving her some support.

Walter returns with beverages and places them on the table, "And are you three ready to order?"

They order their meals with Luna getting a chopped steak, Hinata ordering pork chops, and Viper with a pulled pork sandwich.

Rowan is seated at a table across the restaurant and happily eating some food, unaware of the others.

Krystal - Wait what? He was?

ALAIS - Apparently.

Viper looks back at the two of them with a sly smile, "Inconvenient timing, am I right?"

"Only a little bit," Luna nods, "But it was good to have to focus off of erm--- things.." She coughs slightly, "So how are you, Viper?"

Hinata seems to have calmed down ever so slightly, but the blush is ever present

Viper is still holding her smile as she responds, "I'm doing pretty good I haven't gone here in a little bit so this is pretty nice, how are you doing?"

Hinata pushes down her intense thoughts and responds, "I-I'm well. it's been kind of boring lately but I'm not complaining." Luna nods, agreeing with Hinata's sentiment.  Then Luna asks, "How's CGI going? I've never been there before."

Viper smiles as she responds, "CGI is going pretty good, Cole is supposed to be returning to work today so he should be doing like....I don't know two things? and then he's done" Viper takes a sip of her water

Luna takes a sip of her drink, "that's good. Man's been itching to return to work. Felt bad for him, but at the same time, he needed a break, so thank you Viper," she smiles. Hinata is struggling to not let the bottom allegations win.

Viper nods in agreement with Luna, "Yeah, he works himself half to his father and back," Viper sighs and shakes her head, "He gets bored and decides to like burn through his work for the month and then stroll through the halls looking for people to call nerds."

Hinata chuckles, finally regaining some composure, "glad he someone like you looking out for him though. He means a lot to the two of us. As a protector and a friend." She takes a long sip of her coke.

The waiter finally returns with their food after some time. It smells and looks amazing, and is perfectly warm. Walter asks them, "is there anything else I can get you?"

"Nah, I got what I need, thanks though." Luna smiles, Hinata nods. Viper nods at Hinata as she looks over at Walter, "No thanks, I'm good" Viper looks back at the two, "I'm glad I could look after him for you two." The waiter walks away. The food tastes amazing for both of them, they're eating up rather well. Being near someone so pretty and loving like Viper is only making things even sweeter. Luna and Hinata feel rather happy. Viper seems to be enjoying herself, despite getting bait and switched she's seems rather content with the date so far

Luna chuckles slightly, realizing how good they have it with Lochlan in the house. This wasn't ever their intention, but at the same time, this works out super well. She remembers the actual reason for the date though and asks Viper, "so you're interested in private sword lessons? We'd be down to help you," Luna smiles warmly. Hinata nods as well finishing the rest of her meal. "It'll be fun."

Viper finishes her meal and drinks some of her water, "Oh! It's a good thing I brought my practice sword and such in my truck" Viper snickers, "I'm more than down to do those lessons." Luna and Hinata both nod at the same time and say "Heck yeah!"

Viper smiles at seeing them echo each other, stifling a small giggle

The stifling makes them both blush eternally and faces turn crimson red. The waiter returns to pick up their plates and leaves the bill. "I'll pick this up whenever you're ready." Hinata goes to get her wallet from her purse.

Viper shakes her head at Hinata, "There's no need, I got this" Viper reaches into her pocket and starts pulling out her wallet

Hinata nods, "thank you Viper. This was a lot of fun." Luna nods as well, "oh yeah for sure. We should do this again."

Viper nods as she pulls out a standard credit card and slides it into the bill, "I wouldn't mind doing this again, both of you are absolutely wonderful"

"Heck yeah." Luna smiles. The Waiter takes the check and returns shortly with the receipt. "Hope you three have a great night." Then he's gone

"right, shall we head out? We can have our practice matches outside somewhere." Hinata says getting up from her seat

Viper nods as she takes the receipt, "I would just have to grab my gear, but I'm down to practice outside"

"Okay. Lead the way Viper." Luna gets up.

Viper stands up as she starts walking back out to the parking lot with some pep in her step. Luna and Hinata follow while holding hands together.

Viper walks up to the bright pink truck they saw earlier and uses the tire to climb into the bed of the truck and grab a duffle bag as she exclaims, "Got my gear!"

Luna snaps her fingers as a bright purple amethyst sword with a silver and leather handle forms in her hands. "Same here," Luna smiles.

"Aww yeah, nice sword Luna. Seems Crystal Construct is working well for ya." Hinata grins.

Krystal - You’re welcome!

Viper hops down from her truck bed and grabs a broadsword that very clearly has no edge on it and stands in front of Luna as she says with a sly grin, "Don't go too easy on me."

Luna grins, "wouldn't dream of it Viper." The dueling broadsword Luna holds has no edge at all on it,  a farcry from the usual weapons she uses. She holds it in front of her in a defensive stance. "Bring it!"

"Have fun you two!" Hinata cheers.

Viper grins as she steps forward and follows through with a stab. Luna steps back to dodge the stab then goes for a slice. Viper doesn't anticipate the slice and sloppily attempts to block it. The block doesn't work and the slice lands. If this were a real sword, there would be a cut on Viper's shirt. "Gotta try and read your opponents Viper. Don't expect them to just take damage," Luna smiles and nods. "Let's try again."  She returns to her usual defensive stance and awaits Viper's move.

Viper nods and steps back to reset then steps forward to aim a slice at Luna's arm that's holding the sword. Luna notices Viper stepping forward once more and moves to dodge the arm slice. It doesn't work perfectly, however, and she gets grazed by the blade. It doesn't hurt her at all, but she still drops the sword on the ground.  "Oof nice hit. We'll say that arm is out of commission for now."  She picks the sword up with her other hand and goes for a stab to Viper's chest. Her movements are slightly slowed down. Viper smiles then just barely dodges the stab and looses her footing slightly before retaliating with a stab to Luna's leg

"Whoa, careful with your footing Viper," Hinata comments, "someone can take advantage of that." 

Luna notices the almost stumble and takes advantage of it, jumping over the leg stab and going for a lunge on Viper's legs intending to bring her down. Viper is tackled to the ground and barely maintains grip on the sword handle, "Fuck."

"Ahh sorry Viper, I didn't mean to knock you down like that," Luna apologizes. "I just uh got a bit in the zone there." Hinata walks over to make sure they're both okay.

Viper smiles at Luna, "Your good, I'd rather be knocked down and know what it feels like rather then learning mid combat." Luna nods and holds a hand out for Viper to get back up. She may be small, but there's definitely some muscle in her arms.

Viper grabs Luna's hand and uses it to help her stand back up, "Thanks, you've got some strength in those arms."

Luna blushes profusely, "ermmm,, thank you Viper. Might I recommend watching your footing while sword fighting. Seemed like you were just about to fall a couple times, plus stepping forward during each move helps me predict what you're gonna do next."

Viper nods with a sly grin, "I'll make sure that I change it up, and watch my feet more"

Luna grins, "ready to go again?" She enters an offensive stance for a change

Viper takes a step back to reset, "Ready"

Luna takes a couple steps back before rushing Viper with a couple stabs to her upper body. Her movements are rather swift. Viper seems to anticipate the attack a little better as she holds a somewhat firm stance and attempts some not very confident beats to the stabs. The stabs are denied successfully, but noticing the softness of the beats, Luna comments, "you should be a bit more confident with your beats. You got this Viper." She throws another stab towards Viper's right leg. 

Viper swings her right leg back to avoid the stab and aims a slice at Luna's sword arm in retaliation. Luna twists her body out of the way of the arm slice, "gotta mix up your attacks too, it's too easy to predict!" Viper nods then goes for a stab at Luna's chest, her confidence seemingly rising. Luna goes for a strong beat on Viper's blade to try and deny the stab. Viper's sword just barely stays in her hand, as her blade is forced to hit the ground as she exhales sharply. Luna catches her breath, honestly thankful that denial worked as well as it did. "That was good Viper. Very very good."

Viper is huffing as she nods, "Thank you, I uh...I think I need to work on my grip a little bit"

"I agree, but for the first time, you did extremely well. Proud of you Viper," Luna says as she's still trying to catch her breath.

Viper's face seems to turn a little red as she smiles and takes a large breath before responding, "Thank you, that means quite a lot coming from you"

Luna shows her usual bright smile, though the rest of her face is kind of red and blushy, "f-from me? I'm just a cat that likes swords a lot." Her tail is swaying rather rapidly from the compliment.  Hinata shakes her head and giggles. "That's my Luna."

Viper nods with a grin, "Trust me, you are way more then just a cat that likes swords a lot you clearly practiced a shit ton" Viper composes herself a little more, "I wouldn't mind doing another session with you two"

Hinata and Luna both nod excitedly, and at the same time, they echo, "heck yeah! Bet!"

Viper's smile gets a little wider as she shakes her head, "You two are adorable, holy shit"

Hinata stutters, "Ermm... uhm.. th-thank you?" Luna is struck silent.

Viper giggles, "Not a problem, just stating a fact"

Luna catches her breath, "A-Anyway, uhm, maybe we should start heading back? It's getting kind of late. I'm definitely down for another one of these though." Hinata nods excitedly as well.

Viper nods, "I wouldn't want the others to think I kidnapped you or something" Viper chuckles as she smiles, "I'm free pretty much whenever, I have a small amount of work to do at CGI so don't worry about bothering me with a call if you wanna set up another date"

"Sounds good to me! See ya," Luna says with a smile. Hinata nods as well, "it was really awesome meeting you finally Viper. Hope you have a great night." The two of them disappear with a snap of Luna's fingers

Viper smiles and watches as they disappear, then drives away.

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