Lunar Truths

Memory Lock #9 - The Blood Moon Raid So. This memory log is a bit different. Instead of one concrete memory, for some reason, it contains a variety of topics pertaining to things in Luna’s past. Some of it is incredibly dark, so I must forewarn that this contains descriptions of violence, dehumanization, non-consensual experimentation, gaslighting, and hypnosis. If any of these topics bother you, we heavily recommend turning away and asking Luna, Hinata, or myself (ALAIS) for a summary. Section 1; The Blood Moon Raid on the Lunar Capital The LUNA PROJECT was waiting in the lab deep within the confines of the Cathedral of the Full Moon, knowing that someday, it would be needed. LUNAR ADMIN CHANDRA knew the HEROES, a band of protestors, fighters, and magic users, were on their way to fight back against their rule of the land. The Full Moon readied traps for them to encounter while preparing for the inevitable clash. Its troops, an army of genetically modified and created beings who ...