☀ Christmas with Toby Wright ☀

December 24, 2022:

Toby returns to the lab following a party in the city by some loudmouthed blue woman.

Something has changed. A single gift wrapped box is found right near his comic collection in the far corner. He's certain that the lab was locked up, but maybe one of his colleagues just left him something. You know how it is. Toby shrugs it off and checks the tag on it.

To: Toby
From: Solaire Enterprises

Ooh maybe it's a bonus check??? He may be planning their downfall, but that doesn't mean he won't take free money.

It also says Do not open until Christmas.
He'll abide by the request. In any case, just a little more baking needs to be done.

December 25, 2022:
Toby heads out to Luna's place and drops off a feast then returns to the lab. Now, that it's Christmas, he opens the gift.

Inside of it is a yellow dog plushie. It has a white collar and a tag that says Hinata4U#6969.
"...Hinata. Why are you giving me this?" He focuses his own energy on the lab itself. Something feels off.  Wrong.

[redacted] steps into the room, walking up to Toby.

"A Solaire eclipse. How wrong you must be." [redacted] mutters a few words and Toby is  magically silenced.

The yet unknown person cloaked in a white robe walks around the lab scoffing at the various projects created. A pity.

"I'm sorry to do this, but for the safety of Solaire Enterprises and The [Redacted], I must. For the safety of our people. For the Many Gods Above."

They snap their fingers, and Toby disappears without a trace. The white-robe cloaked person makes themselves at home. A bit of housekeeping, if you will. Truly, 2023 will be the year Solaire Enterprises enters a new dawn.

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