More about Krystal

Hey, hi, and howdy. Luna here.

 And Krystal too!

        Recently, my friend Cole asked about what Krystal is and if she's an AI. Basically, she's someone I've programmed into my mind, kind of like a tulpa of sorts? But for some reason, she's able to expand my mind and teach me how to use focus as a sort of mana pool, which allows me to use my powers. I created her after erm... w-well... I'll let Krystal explain further.

    Ya good Lunes? Uhhhh okay. Lunes experienced something that was life-changing in her early 20s. Not sure if I'm allowed to speak on her behalf on it. But things happened, and h-here I am? Look, even I'm kinda confused on how things happened. I'm sure she'll speak on it when Lunes feels a bit better about it.

uhhh sorry about that, i admit even thinking about what happened hurts my mind.. um, apologies.  but point is, I'm alive, krystal's helping me, and um... that's it.

Lunes, are you sure you're okay? Your focus dropped to near zero there.

I'll be okay, I promise.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, so yeah Krystal is organic. She's like an AI but also not.  This has been Luna and Krystal! Over and out!

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