Ballroom Blitz

Luna and Hinata are walking around Capital City just taking in the sights and the sounds of the area. "Yo Luna? Wanna go to the arcade?" Hinata. wearing a sweatshirt and jeans, points to a rather large building near Central Square. It's illuninated beautifully and extremely flashy. Loud sounds are heard from inside, various arcade cabinet, music of all kinds, it's PACKED with people. It is a nightmare for those suffering from social anxiety.

Luna tilts her head at the chaos erupting inside and freezes in place on seeing her favorite game in there. "Is that Dancing Stage?"

Hinata chuckles, "heh. I figured that would catch your attention. Wanna play?" She pulls out a plastic card. It's credit card sized that says GAMERS UNITE in large red letters. "Jan gave me this for my 30th birthday before I left for the other world. I've been wanting to check this place out for ages! I'm pretty sure $500 will cover a night of fun for us?"

"F-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS?!" Luna shouts., "how the he-- Oh wait, it's Jan, why the fuck am I surprised??? But uh sure, let's do it. Need a change of clothes before we go in? I can pull out our old MG costumes if you want."

Hinata nods yes and Luna pulls out her phone. She opens up a certain app on her home screen. In bright lettering, the words MG Maker with a small purple cat and a crescent moon show up on a splash screen before transitioning to a program that looks oddly like Picrew but with more steps and options.

"Okay... lemme see here. Wanna do Higurashi or Madoka?"

Hinata takes a moment to think it over, "ehhh... how about Lucky Star? I'll be Kagami, you be Konata?"

Luna grins and immediately punches in a code on her phone. Then a bright light surrounds the two, much to the general disinterest of the crowd around them. "Ugh, another Transformation Spell in public," someone sighs. A few seconds later, Luna and Hinata reappear with the light dimmed around them. They're now wearing cosplay sailor uniforms. Probably one of the more generic picks they could've taken, but whatever. It's comfortable and lighter, definitely allowing more freedom of movement.

They both hold hands and head inside the arcade, which is where they will stay for a good chunk of the evening. Hours later, Luna and Hinata have gathered a rather large crowd of people watching them dance together. Hinata's learned magic, Rhythm Rampage, gives her a bit of a boost in keeping in time with the song, and her stamina is usually very high.

Somehow, however, they're starting to feel tired. Maybe it's exhaustion from playing for an hour straight. Maybe... it's something else.

Over telepathy, Luna and Hinata chat with one another:

"Yooooooooo this crowd is fucking crazy! I didn't know playing Dancing Stage in cosplay would attract so many people. Lu come in."

"Yo what's up Hinata? Why are we talking over telepathy?"

"Listen, there's a song we should do for the finale. I'm starting to feel tired a bit."

"Eh? What song? We did all of the Lucky Star songs."

"God Knows. Haruhi Suzumiya. Expert."

"Uh... sure. Come to think of it, I'm starting to feel tired too."

"Eh? But you're not a Sloth demon anymore."

"I know! But... I dunno, something feels weird. Hopefully we can finish this song and split."

"Let's do it!"

The song begins and the cheers from the crowd behind them because louder and louder. As if... doing it on purpose. LUNAs are equipped with innate hypersensitive hearing, though they are able to muffle the volume using their Focus mana. Even so, the cheering and hollers become louder and louder, even breaking through the Muffle.

"Gods, can they fucking shut the fuck up? I'm struggling to keep up!" Luna groans as the song reaches its climax. Hinata isn't faring much better, whining a little from just how loud everything is. "What the fuck is happening?"

As the song finishes and their 99%+ ranks are shown on screen, the cheering and screaming become even louder. Panicked, Luna immediately grips Hinata's hand. "Let's get the fuck out of here!" Luna growls, "I don't like this one bit. It's almost like we're being at--" Luna passes out on the ground, the insanely loud noise overwhelming her and knocking her out on the spot.

"LU?! Come on we need to get out of here!" Hinata picks the unconscious Luna up from the ground. They turn around and see robes. Lots and lots and lots of robed people with moons and the initials F.M.S. on their lapel. "Shit. What the fuck do you want from us???"

One of the Half Moons in the crowd walks forward and tells the rest of the rabble to quiet down. Then they speak. "We want 6969. Are you going to hand it over or must we use force?" They speak with conviction.  "Fuck you. We're not part of you! Or Solaire!" Hinata snarls as she goes to get a knife from her pouch, except realizing that she left all of her weapons at home.  The robed cultists swarm the stage realizing they're defenseless.

"You know what? Fuck this and fuck you too Syndicate!" shouts Hinata as she equips the power of Light magic onto her hands. "SHINING BRIGHTNESS!" she declares as a blinding light erupts from her hands and temporarily blinds the crowd. The added darkness of the arcade helps the effect work. As everyone is stunned, Hinata dashes out of the arcade keeping Luna in her arms. Eventually, they manage to escape. She goes to wake Luna up. Thankfully, the cooldown from being deafened wore off and Luna is able to open her eyes.

"Wha-- what happened Hina?" Luna asks, still out of it a bit. "I'll explain when we get home. We're in danger, I need you to fast travel us home." Hinata sees a large group of robed cultists dash in their direction, "AND HURRY!" As the crowd reaches them, the two disappear, hearts pounding.

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