Hope for Escape

So apologies for taking so long to process this one. Seems that while the lock was fully unlocked, some errors appeared while processing. Hopefully, this won't happen again. No trigger warnings this time, unless you believe Luna's last time seeing Hinata until just last month counts. I kid. Enjoy.

Memory Lock 7 - Hinata

Within Solaire’s labs, 6969 and 4444 are sitting next to each other and watching anime. A tall lady and a skinny older man both in lab coats head inside to speak to them.

“Hello 4444, 6969. Nice to see you again.” the tall woman says. On her badge, the name Jane Solaire is there.

“We need to talk to you two.” the older man says. On his badge is the name Toby Crescent Wright.

“Yes?” the LUNAs say in unison. It’s almost creepy how in sync they are, but they have a slight smile on their faces.

Jane takes a deep breath and begins to speak, “well Tobe and I have been talking about it, and we wondered if you two would like to come home with us? Get away from the confines of this place, and learn to live.” As 6969 and 4444 watch them speak, they notice the cameras in the room have turned off. It seems like something is jamming the signals. Toby nods with a wide smile. 6969 and 4444 tilt their heads.

“But we’re not allowed to leave. We’re LUNAs. We live here.” 4444 sighs. 6969 stares at Jane.

“So? Just because you were designed here, doesn’t mean you have to stay. To the Many Hells Below with Solaire! And besides, you’d be living with me and Toby!” Jane says. This catches both LUNA’s attentions.

“Wait really? I get to spend more time with you???” 6969 starts stimming a bit in excitement, and her tail wags.

“Wait, I get to live with Toby?? Oh my gosh!” 4444 cheers.

Toby and Jane chuckle. “If you accept our proposal, you will! Just… leave it to us. We’ll get you two out of there.” They move in to hug and headpat the two LUNAs. Toby hugs 4444 and Jane headpats 6969.

It appears things are finally going well for them. Afterwards, 4444 pulls out her book on flowers and reads while kicking her legs in the air. 6969 continues watching her shows.

The next week, 4444 goes to the restroom and is gone for a long time when the alarms blare in their building. Toby and Jane rush into the lab bloodied up and carrying swords. Toby runs in and picks 6969 up from her seat. “Where’s 4444? We need to go NOW.”

6969 does not respond. She is unconscious from the loud sounds and bell rings.

“Shit. What do we do Jane?” Toby asks in a panic.

“I don’t know. We need to protect 6969 at all costs. For the future of our world.” Jane replies, tearing up. An explosion rips through the lab and 4444 does not appear to be returning. Toby goes to look for her, but it’s to no avail.

“We’ll come back for her. She needs to escape too.” Jane says somberly. She summons a crystal shield and pushes through the crowd of scientists and engineers towards the exit.

They escape as a 20ft tall mech surveys the area. The person inside it speaks with a slight German accent. “I see. Reinforce the laboratory! Do not let 4444 escape!”

Toby and Jane arrive at a house in the middle of Capital City and stay with 6969 for days on end, keeping an eye on the outside for any of Solaire's scientists. Oddly, none chase after them. 6969, or as she slowly learns to change her name to Luna, is safe. They eventually move into a big house together.

As for 4444, or Hinata, she is left at Solaire and unable to leave. But she is not forgotten. Toby continues to meet up and work with her. But unfortunately, no vulnerabilities in Solaire's lab are found to allow her to escape. I still feel awful for not bringing her home with us, but it was either save one or all four of us would be killed.

Ironic that the two of us, Toby and I, are dead now.

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