An Irregular Regular Update
Howdy ny'all, it's ya girl Luna. And Krystal! And I just wanted to update y'all on what's been happening as of late. I uh realized it's been a hot minute since I got to do a regular blog post instead of an adventure log.. Erm.. Right!
Lunes? Are you okay? Your focus dropped a bit there.
Yeah I'm fine. Just needed to get my notes together ya know?
Anyway, where was I? Oh right. As y'all may have heard, I got myself a middle name finally. I am now Luna Selene Grey!
Luna is my model name... uh I couldn't find a better name, but it's better than being called a number ya know? But that number is nice twice! Twice nice??? Er... that's not the point.
Selene was given to me by Orpheus. We were discussing middle names in [The Kiss] group chat and I mentioned that prior to coming here, I had a first name and that's it. Orpheus said Selene would make me feel a bit more Godly, even if I'm more of a worshipper of Many Gods than one myself.
Grey was given to me by this kind Naomi named Chartreuse back in May, ironically the same day I died twice. I died twice (once by Hellfire Maiden and the other by Slenderproxy Cole) and was reborn with a last name. Weird how these things work ya know?
Indeed Lunes. No matter what name you go by, you will always be my sweet Lunie to me. :D
Thank you Jane. Oh speaking of Jane, or rather her last name Solaire, we lost contact with Toby and someone else came by. From what I saw in my adventure logs, which two of them are being processed right now, this Hinata chick has taken over the company.
Something about it feels really really off though. Almost like she was designed to be a scapegoat instead of actually part of the Enterprise. Not entirely sure why Jan would choose her. Or for that matter, how she got the Solaire last name. If you're unaware, that was supposed to be my last name at one point until I escaped and broke almost all contact with them. As far as I know, Hinata is a complete stranger. It makes no sense. Maybe Hinata helped Jan out at the Old Folks' home I dunno.
I also find it strange. From what I read from Violet's trip over, nothing about Hinata seemed like she had any experience in running a multi-- uh what did she call it. Oh right, Multi-universal corporation. Wait really Solaire?
Still counts as a multi-universal if it's only in 2.
On the bright side, the Hinata chick seems really really nice, but something about her mood swings bother me a lot. Indeed Lunes. Very much indeed.
Last thing before I go, Krystal, are you aware that I unlocked more of my memory?
Yes Luna. You've unlocked a very deep portion of your subconscious long-term. How that was unlocked? I have no idea. Maybe something triggered it? Or something jogged your memory enough to shake the lock off.
Yes, I believe it did. Uhm, I remember something from my past while I was under Solaire supervision. I.. don't have the best memory of it, but I remember...
Lunes? Lunes??? Shit. Uhh look, we have an adventure log processing the memory Luna remembered. It shouldn't take too long for it to automatically upload, but I did speak to her before and she wants it known. It's uh, heavy. So just.. be forewarned that it may include some darkness to it.
Before I close off this blog, Lunes also wants me to let y'all know that she is heading the Synchronicity team in the upcoming Dueling Season event in May. She is extremely nervous about it though.
And that's it. Uh I'm sorry I couldn't.. protect her from her memory, but we're gonna be okay.
This is Krystal signing off for the two of us. Later <3