Memory Log - LUNA's Original Purpose

The following memory log is dark. It contains a piece of Luna's memory, stashed away DEEP within her Mental Locks. As such, I must warn those who continue to reading it as such.

The Memory Log will have trigger warnings for bloodshed, death, suicide, non-consensual hypnosis, and identity loss. If you are bothered by any of these topics, please do not continue reading. Luna or I can summarize what happened if you ask us on Twitter or on Tumblr.

With that out of the way, I must apologize. Had I known what Solaire and... the others were doing with the LUNA Project, I would have pulled her out sooner. It was a terrible mistake, one that could have cost my darling's life. As such, here is Luna's Sixth Memory Lock


Memory Lock 6


The LUNA PROJECT was waiting in the lab, knowing that someday, it would be needed. [REDACTED] knew the HEROES, a band of protestors, fighters, and magic users, were on their way to fight back against their rule of the land. [REDACTED] readied traps for them to encounter while preparing for the inevitable clash. Its troops, an army of genetically modified and created beings who appear to be cat-like humans were ready. The LUNA PROJECT’s true mission was simple: to protect the ADMIN of [REDACTED] from harm so that they can continue to rule, unopposed.

Time passes. Nothing. No sign of the HEROES. THE LUNA PROJECT continues to wait in anticipation. It is not like they could do anything else, of course. They had no mind of their own. Only the will of the ADMIN. The LUNAs waited.

After some more time passes, the ADMIN gets an alert. The HEROES have breached the final stronghold.

An announcement is made on the telecom system.

A sound is played and a certain phrase is uttered. Almost instantly, the group of LUNAs in the chamber’s eyes turn red and glow viciously. They are all led out to the courtyard for a tense standoff and battle with the HEROES. The massive army, of close to a thousand specially trained soldiers, walks out grinning and growling dangerously. The HEROES are outmatched, but they make the first move.

The two sides fight. Blood is spilled, whether it’s HERO or LUNA. The ADMIN watches with a grin and a laugh, enjoying watching their soldiers fight without their hands getting dirty. Two LUNAs in particular, 6969 and 4444 cause exceptional amounts of damage. Just then, a HERO, an elemental spellcaster, launches a massive fireball at the horde of seemingly indestructible LUNAs. The fireball wipes out most of them in a single shot, as well as many of the scientists keeping the LUNAs under control at the expense of the caster’s life. The only two left standing are 6969 and 4444, as they had been killing others away from the rest of the party.

The two remaining LUNAs are not thanked. They may have single-handedly survived the encounter, but they are mere sub-humans. Mindless Weapons. 6969 and 4444 are separated from one another until they are required once more.

The two get activated a few more times in the following months, performing murders on behalf of the ADMIN. They are quickly known and feared across the land as the LUNA PROJECT ASSASSINS. Their ninja-like stealth and evasion, as well as creative killing methods, become a favorite tool for [REDACTED].

As the years pass, protests and upheaval attempts become more and more common for SOLAIRE. The night before 6969 and 4444 were to reprise their role as a two monster army, something changes. 6969 manages to escape. 4444 is left to fight alone.

Nobody knows what happened to 4444 after that. Rumor has it that they are still at Solaire in our home veil, just biding their time until they are needed. Lawsuits and legislature against Solaire came out, which dismantled the company brick by bloody brick. Nobody knows what happened to the other group. Nobody even knows their group’s name. Strangely, even though Lunes should know their identity, her memories still return them as [REDACTED]. Perhaps the identity is still locked away deep within the confines of her damaged long-term memory.
You may be wondering how such a memory lock was unlocked. Well, Luna has experienced some mental trauma in the past year which seems to have freed the lock. Specifically, being hypnotically controlled by Wisteria, forced into murdering Ivory, and the recent nightmare of her killing Claire seems to have shocked her systems hard enough to unlock these. I wouldn't wish these memories on anyone else, and especially not my Lunie. She had no idea what she was doing. Her mind was not hers, but Solaire's. As much as I wish to see Solaire fall once more, I know in my metaphorical heart that Hina has nothing to do with any of this. Luna and I want to protect her from anyone intending harm.

- Jane Krystal Grey






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