Lunar Nightmare
Krystal has a vision of being on the couch during a full moon. Even
so, something doesn't feel right. But does it matter? Solaire is gone
right? Luna cannot be harmed by them anymore, she's free... right? Even
so, Krystal feels like something is watching. Something potentially sinister. But
what could be watching her? Watching them? Like a spy
infiltrating an evil laboratory, Krystal, or Jane as she would be
called here, has her defenses sky high. Something isn't right. And she knows it.
is perhaps too quiet, even despite watching one of her favorite shows
and being next to her favorite person in the whole world, her lover.
One who saved her from a lifetime of forced captivity and experimentation to be the perfect life. Luna is free.
Almost randomly and without a word, Luna gets up to grab a snack. The Full Moon, a brilliant orb shining down from the many skylights in their beautiful home, watches over them. Watching everyone's moves. It's quiet. Serene. Beautiful. Everyone loves the moon. Right? The moon is right, right?
As Luna is gone, Jane begins to worry. It's taking too long. The house is eerily silent even despite the television playing anime on the screen. Something is wrong here. Luna does not usually take this long. And she is not usually this quiet. Perhaps it's just a game? Perhaps Luna is playing hide and seek, to surprise Jane with hugs and kisses when found, as is common. Luna is the playful type after all.
Playing along, Jane walks around the house silently as The Full Moon watches. If Luna thinks she can surprise me, she has another thing coming, Jane thinks lightheartedly. Even so, Luna is not found anywhere. Everywhere she looks, Luna is not there. Something is horribly wrong. And the Moon knows it. The Full Moon is right.
Jane continues her search, her heartbeat slowly increasing, as does her breath. Luna is safe right? Solaire is gone, right? They went defunct after a huge lawsuit concerning the LUNA project... RIGHT??? There's no way they're back. Right? Right??? The Full Moon knows.
Eventually, Jane stops at the closet. She hears an all-too-familiar whispering. It's subtle and quiet, but to LUNAs, it's enough to drive them insane. Overwhelming. Beautiful. Controlling. Comfortable. It wraps Luna in its soft blanket. Telling her sweet nothings. Pleasant nothings. Warm and comfortable nothings. It has one objective.
From the crack in the closet's door, Jane sees an all-too-familiar blood red glow. She goes to open the door to try and pull Luna out of this mode. It is something only she is capable of. But it's too late. Luna has a butcher's knife from the kitchen. Luna steps out and is completely mentally gone.
There is no more Luna.
Is her lover. Her beautiful bride to be. One she is prepared to be with forever.
Till Death Do Them Part.