Regular Maintenance
For the past over a decade, I have been hounded by Solaire Enterprises since they've been wanting to bring me back home for 'maintenance' even though all of my issues are with memory... gee I wonder why. In any case, to my shock, Solaire finally grew out of the 90s and got onto Twitter. It's rather bare bones, but what can ya do? It's a company from my Veil that's run by boomers. Anyway, after speaking to us in their usual stiff manner, the whole ALL CAPS thing to look like they're important, they told us this: It was odd. I've genuinely never heard them say please, so we gave them an ear. Jan, one of my creators and one of the very few memories I have from those times. Project H? I'm not entirely sure what that is... Krys? I have no idea. While you were gone recently, I tried to find some information on Project H, but there was nothing. I'm sorry Lunes. You tried. I appreciate you Krystal. Anyway, Solaire sent me some coordinat...