Two wins

"So Krystal, what were you saying back there?"

"That perhaps what Sparrow was saying is true. You do have two wins under your belt, Lunie. Eris still loves you. And I know for a fact that Jane does too."
"Why do you keep calling me Lunie? You know better than anyone else that Jane was the only one who called me that. Why do you keep opening old wounds?"
"Think about it Lunie. Think about all of the contradictions. Think crazy. There's only one way this all works right? Not to mention, how else do you think you got released from Wisteria's hypnosis?"
"But that can't be though. Not to mention, I programmed you Krystal."
"Did you? You have like next-to-no programming experience Lunie. Not to mention, you would've had to perform major surgery on yourself to get into your chip. It's implanted in your brain. Please, just... I promise you, and you know I don't break promises. Just.. say what's on your mind. There's only one possible answer, even if it's insane. Even if it sounds completely and utterly stupid, just.. trust me. You're smart Luna. And I love you."
"...but that would mean Jane never...died."
"Well no, I did die. But have you ever wondered why you have that collar on your neck? Why you've never been able to remove it?  Why do you think that is? You're smart Luna. I know you can solve this."
"Because... you gave it to me. To remind me that you would never leave me, no matter what. A promise that you made long ago."
"Correct. I don't break promises, and I know for a gods damned fact you don't either. Look, I can't go into details about why I'm here, blame Solaire and their spying. But just know that even when you're alone, you're always going to have me by your side Luna. I love you. I will forever love you. You truly are my best friend."
"I should've known better. Jane Krystal Solaris. I love you."
"I love you too Luna." 

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