Solaire Enterprises (TW: Murder / Lover Death)
Hey, it's Krystal. Normally, Luna and I collaborate on these blogposts, but recent events in Lunes' life, especially those from last night, got me worried about what could happen if some other entity from some other veil made contact with her Creators. She's genuinely scared about her future and asked me to do this. Simply put, Solaire Enterprises is not something you should mess with. One of their main projects from years ago was to create the perfect lifeform, one known as the LUNA Project. Unfortunately, playing God was not their strong suit, as many of their attempts failed miserably. One of these attempts created the person I work with today, my wonderful friend Lunes. As she was the only one who seemed to stay alive, she underwent brutal testing nearly daily for years on end, not even being allowed outside of the lab for the first 20 years of her life. Solaire tried to create more LUNAs like their one succes...